--- Comment #171 from Stanley Fertig <> ---
OK, I've been trying to get plate solving to work again on my macBook Air,
using kStars v3.3.9.  Becoming desperate.

1.  I did another Erase and Install Mac OS Catalina v10.15.3
2.  I installed HomeBrew and its Command Line tools, accepted everything.
3.  Did not install ANYTHING else on my Air before the following.  EXCEPT for
the Astrometry index files, which I had backed up.
4.  Did a fresh installation of kStars.  Did the Startup Wizard, etc.
5.  In the Solver Panel clicked on the Edit Solver Options icon.
6.  Clicked on the Setup button for Python.
7.  Detectd Homebew.  When trying to install Python, got an error:  "python
install error"
8.  Quit kStars, rebooted Mac.  
9.  Tried again.  Now I get the following message:  "Homebrew installed. 
Python3 installed.  Astropy will install when you click OK."
10.  When I click OK, I immediately get the following message:  "Astropy
install failure."
11.  Trying "Capture and Solve" anyway just fails immediately, not a surprise
if it needs Astropy.
12.  Tried installing Astropy outside of kStars using Anaconda.  Didn't change
anything, still fails.

I'm really at a loss.  It all works fine on my iMac, just not on my Air. 
Although it previously worked on my Air under version 3.3.1 of kStars.

Can you PLEASE help?  I really don't want to go back to using Maxim...

Thank you!

stan in Brooklyn

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