--- Comment #23 from Nate Graham <> ---
(In reply to n4n0 from comment #21)
> Uh, anyhow; to implement this, all you have to do is inside the
> breezedecoration.cpp within void Decoration::createShadow(), add a few lines
> along the likes of this:
> > auto c = client().data();
> > if ( !c->isActive() ) { strength /= 2 }
> This will take the previously defined const qreal strength and divide it by
> 2 if the window is inactive. You can also settle for other values. In my
> theme I made it a user setting to leave it at "Normal" (/=2), "Light" (/=4)
> or "None" in which case inactive windows will have no shadows at all.
> And depending on the outcome of your discussion, you can probably simply use
> a check for QPropertyAnimation::Running to animate a transition.

I tried doing this exact thing a few months ago but it didn't work, and when I
asked some plasma developers for help, they couldn't understand why it didn't

if you've managed to get it working, can you formally send a patch? Here is the

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