--- Comment #9 from ---
I think that some tunes must be done with 6.1.0 AppImage while building the
final bundles, especially when selecting which shared libs must be used from
the host linux or not. I see some problems from users starting to use it.

To run the AppImage bundles from command line, it's very simple :

1/ Open a console and go to the directory storing the file.
2/ Set the file executable.
3/ Start it as well.

>From my Linux box :

[gilles@localhost ~]$ pwd
[gilles@localhost ~]$ cd Downloads/
[gilles@localhost Downloads]$ ls -al
total 482124
drwxr-xr-x  2 gilles gilles      4096 mars   8 10:41 ./
drwxr-xr-x 53 gilles gilles      4096 mars   7 15:55 ../
-rw-rw-r--  1 gilles gilles 493674216 mars   8 10:41
-rw-rw-r--  1 gilles gilles       130 nov.   9 13:48 .directory
[gilles@localhost Downloads]$ chmod +x
[gilles@localhost Downloads]$ ls -al
total 482124
drwxr-xr-x  2 gilles gilles      4096 mars   8 10:41 ./
drwxr-xr-x 53 gilles gilles      4096 mars   7 15:55 ../
-rwxrwxr-x  1 gilles gilles 493674216 mars   8 10:41
-rw-rw-r--  1 gilles gilles       130 nov.   9 13:48 .directory
[gilles@localhost Downloads]$
-- digiKam AppImage Bundle
-- Use 'help' as CLI argument to know all available options for digiKam
-- Preloading shared libs: :/usr/lib64/
Digikam::DXmlGuiWindow::setupIconTheme: Breeze icons resource file found
Digikam::AlbumWatch::AlbumWatch: AlbumWatch use QFileSystemWatcher
Digikam::AlbumManager::setDatabase: Database Parameters:
   Type:                     "QSQLITE"
   DB Core Name:             "/mnt/data/photos/digikam4.db"
   DB Thumbs Name:           "/mnt/data/photos/thumbnails-digikam.db"
   DB Face Name:             "/mnt/data/photos/recognition.db"
   DB Similarity Name:      "/mnt/data/photos/similarity.db"
   Connect Options:          ""
   Host Name:                ""
   Host port:                -1
   Internal Server:          false
   Internal Server Path:     ""
   Internal Server Serv Cmd: ""
   Internal Server Init Cmd: ""
   Username:                 ""
   Password:                 ""

Digikam::DbEngineConfigSettingsLoader::readConfig: Loading SQL code from config
file "/tmp/.mount_digika5iLvpc/usr/share/digikam/database/dbconfig.xml"
Digikam::DbEngineConfigSettingsLoader::readConfig: Checking XML version ID =>
expected:  3  found:  3
Digikam::CoreDbSchemaUpdater::update: Core database: running schema update

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