--- Comment #2 from ---
I don't think that's the problem, since I can easily execute the following
convert a.tif a.pdf
Also, there is nothing in my /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml file about PDF's.

When I start LabPlot 2 from terminal and do the steps above, the last thing
that pops onto my console is:
"0 instead of 1 arguments to message {%1: set label text} supplied before
teXRenderSuccessful =0

Also, when I start up the program, I get the following messages on my terminal:
AppDataLocation paths =  ("/home/rtdlport/.local/share/labplot2",
"/usr/share/ubuntu/labplot2", "/usr/local/share/labplot2",
"/usr/share/labplot2", "/var/lib/snapd/desktop/labplot2")
Icon theme search paths =  ("/usr/share/icons", ":/icons")
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: 

I also checked all those paths mentioned at the start and only
"usr/share/labplot2" exists. I have no idea whether or not this has anything to
do with it.

Also note in my screenshot that the font selector disappears when I push the
TeX button. I tried the same steps on my laptop at home and it wasn't a problem
there and the font selector also did not disappear. I think that somehow LaTeX
doesn't get handed a font and hence fails.

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