--- Comment #20 from Jarosław Staniek <> ---
Thanks @therapon, OK so we know where to proceed - adding the
application/vnd.sqlite3 to the supported mimes list.

I wonder if /usr/share/mime/application/x-sqlite3.xml and 
/usr/share/mime/application/x-kexiproject-sqlite3.xml are present on your OS.

The latter is a subclass of x-sqlite3. 

On my OS the shared-mime-info packages both these files are present and not the

I've found this one:

We can add support for application/vnd.sqlite3 and application/x-vnd.kde.kexi
to be sure everything is catch while detecting .kexi file types.
The change is apparently needed after this commit:

it's apparent that .kexi mime type still inherits from application/x-sqlite3
which is now only an alias:

<mime-type type="application/x-kexiproject-sqlite3">
    <_comment>Kexi database file-based project</_comment>
    <sub-class-of type="application/x-sqlite3"/>
    <glob pattern="*.kexi"/>
    <alias type="application/x-vnd.kde.kexi"/>

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