Dmitry Kazakov <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |NEEDSINFO
                 CC|                            |
         Resolution|---                         |WAITINGFORINFO

--- Comment #14 from Dmitry Kazakov <> ---
Hi, Andras!

I have spent a day on trying to reproduce the crash but I failed. It seem to
work fine with my test file. And looking at the code I cannot understand how
the situation in a backtrace could happen. 

Could you please do the following:

1) Share some test file, with which you can reproduce the problem. You can use
google-drive or something like that if the file is too big.

2) Make a screen recording of the problem, so we could know what are the steps
you do to reproduce the bug.

I have tested the steps you described in the comments above, but it still
doesn't crash :(

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