--- Comment #4 from ---
I encountered what seems to be a variation of the issue after configuring an
additional keyboard layout.

I added another keyboard layout as follows:

1. Open System Settings >> Input Devices >> Keyboard >> Layouts tab
2. Check "Configure layouts" to enable the widgets below
3. Click the "Add" button
4. Use the following settings:
    a. Limit selection by language: English
    b. Layout: English (US)
    c. Variant: English (US, international with dead keys)
    d. Label: es
    e. Shortcut: None
5. Click "Apply"

It'll work fine immediately after adding it, but I encounter the issue after
the PC wakes up from being suspended.

1. Open the Application Launcher >> Leave >> Suspend
2. Wake up PC after a while and log back into your session
3. Open Application Launcher and try to make a search

Any setting may work, but I've not tested many and the ones above are the ones
I used. I don't know if it'll happen with any possible keyboard layout, or if a
specific layout needs to be "active" at some point to trigger it.

In addition, after hitting the issue, trying to re-open the "Configure layouts"
window after waking up the PC takes 1+ minute and often hangs, making it
difficult to undo the cause.

In order to fix it, I've had to (patiently) go back to the keyboard layouts,
undo the steps I outlined above, and then reboot the PC for things to go back
to normal.

There seems to be a deeper issue here.

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