Adam Tibbetts <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
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--- Comment #21 from Adam Tibbetts <> ---
*** You could skip ahead to the next comment, but I do suspect there's good
info here ***

There's a lot of people mutually not understanding each other here I think.

And I'm one of them too. I have no idea what any of these sliders mean now or
why they're affecting what they're affecting, and the explanation here has not
managed to penetrate my brain.

As far as I'm aware, HDR prior to 6.3 worked exactly as I wanted and expected
it to. When I set the SDR brightness slider to 250 nits, SDR content (and
crucially, my desktop) displayed between 0 and 250 nits.

Then when I opened an HDR video in MPV with all the flags and env variables, it
displayed the HDR video between 0 and 1000 nits, which was the range of my
monitor (oled, if it matters). That's exactly what I wanted.

After the 6.3 update, HDR video is now noticeably *not* reaching 1000 nits, and
I don't understand why. And honestly, I don't want to. I want my OS to just let
me make my desktop 250 nits max, but then actually show me HDR content in HDR
regardless of that setting.

Currently, what I've (possibly incorrectly) taken from this thread is that
anytime I want to watch an HDR video I have to:
1. Open settings go to my display, 2. set the SDR brightness slider to max,
blow out my eyeballs with my now way too bright desktop *then* 3. I can open my
HDR video and see it at my monitor's full range. Then (4.) when I'm done I blow
out my eyes again before I can tab back to settings and set it back! What????

Look, I don't care in the least what some bt.2020 standard says about
comfortable white or some other thing I don't understand. I got an 1000 nits
peak brightness monitor, and when I have an HDR video with brightness
information for 0 to 1000 nits, I'd like my monitor to just do that. That's a
feature request from me. If that was a setting, I'd turn it on.

If there's some reason why HDR content *needs* to be darkened below my
monitor's range, please, in some way, make that independent of my desktop's
brightness. Like, do an "SDR Brightness Range" slider where I could pick some
numbers. I'd pick 0 to 250. Or, if for some reason I needed to raise blacks, I
could set, say, 20 to 250 (nits?). 
Then that would immediately make sense next to a "HDR Brightness Range" slider
that would allow me to pick a brightness range between 0 to 1000, or 20 to 500,
or whatever. 
Or if three numbers are required, please let me just set them. 0 for the bottom
of the range, 300 for some 'reference white' or something, then 1000 for peak
brightness. If it's a perception thing, let me use my perception to pick
numbers that work for my environment.

Then if some HDR content *needed* to be dimmed, it wouldn't mess with my
preferred desktop brightness. And messing with my desktop brightness wouldn't
mess with my hdr content consumption.

*** I think the below is the most important part, feel free to only bother with
it ***

I have failed to be succinct, but one more thing anyway: 
I think I gather from the comments that the desktop brightness is being used as
like a 'reference white'. But I think this assumption is wrong: The comfortable
desktop white is not necessarily my desired HDR content 'reference white'.
These are fundamentally different tasks, and shouldn't be linked. I like my
desktop very dim, as it's better for my astigmatism for reading text. But
that's really not relevant for an HDR film or game 99.9% of the time. It's a
different thing. I *do* want my brighness higher for content.

Like, HDR aside, when you're watching a movie, do you not hit the brightness up
hotkey a few times? Then when you're done, you set it back? That's what I mean.
Desktop white isn't content white.

Okay finally done now. Sorry for the length, sorry for the repetition. But I
think it accurately communicates the way this current functionality is
bothering me and why.

And I wanted to say a huge thank you to you, Zamundaaa, as well. Your work on
HDR is what finally took away my last anchor to Windows, and now I'm Linux
desktop on everything which has been a major improvement in almost every way.

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