--- Comment #4 from Mark Medoff <> ---
It seems that there is a difference in how the memo field is stored in
5.1.3 v 5.1.92:

When I enter a transaction with a memo in an account in *5.1.3*, the memo
is stored in the split for *both* the account and the category.

In *5.1.92*. the memo is stored in the split for the account only andbut
not in the second split for the category. Therefore, when I run a category
report, the memo doesn't show on the report.
On 3/1/25 3:21 PM, Jack wrote:

Jack <>
<> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|REPORTED                    |NEEDSINFO
         Resolution|---                         |WAITINGFORINFO

--- Comment #1 from Jack <>
<> ---
There is a memo field stored with the transaction itself, and also with each
split.  I wonder if the difference is not because of a change in display, but a
change in where the memo you enter it actually stored (or perhaps some
combination.)  In 5.1.92, if you right click on a transaction, one of the
options is "Show transaction details."  Please do this for one old and one new
transaction, looking specifically which memo fields have values.  You can
either describe any differences you find, or attach screen shots of the details
pop-up for each.

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