--- Comment #3 from Mark Medoff <> ---
It seems that there is a difference in how the memo field is stored in 
5.1.3 v 5.1.92:

When I enter a transaction with a memo in an account in *5.1.3*, the 
memo is stored in the split for *both* the account and the category.

In *5.1.92*. the memo is stored in the split for the account *only* and 
not in the second split for the category. Therefore, when I run a 
category report, the memo doesn't show on the report.


On 3/1/25 3:21 PM, Jack wrote:
> Jack<> changed:
>             What    |Removed                     |Added
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>               Status|REPORTED                    |NEEDSINFO
>           Resolution|---                         |WAITINGFORINFO
> --- Comment #1 from Jack<> ---
> There is a memo field stored with the transaction itself, and also with each
> split.  I wonder if the difference is not because of a change in display, but 
> a
> change in where the memo you enter it actually stored (or perhaps some
> combination.)  In 5.1.92, if you right click on a transaction, one of the
> options is "Show transaction details."  Please do this for one old and one new
> transaction, looking specifically which memo fields have values.  You can
> either describe any differences you find, or attach screen shots of the 
> details
> pop-up for each.

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