--- Comment #3 from Clay Weber <> ---
I have attached the  calamares session log from an offline install which
produced the error'

The relevant section:

[PYTHON JOB]: "Pretty name: Install packages., setting progress.."
19:12:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
    Starting job "neon-fs-cleanup" ( 37 / 39 )
    .. Running QList("apt-get", "--purge", "-q", "-y", "remove", "jfsutils",
"reiserfsprogs", "xfsprogs")
    .. Target cmd: QList("apt-get", "--purge", "-q", "-y", "remove",
"jfsutils", "reiserfsprogs", "xfsprogs") Exit code: 100 output:
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package jfsutils
19:12:29 [1]: virtual Calamares::JobResult Calamares::Python::Job::exec()
    ERROR: Error while running: CalledProcessError: Command 'apt-get --purge -q
-y remove jfsutils reiserfsprogs xfsprogs' returned non-zero exit status 100.

  <string>(8): <module>
  /usr/share/calamares/modules/neon-fs-cleanup/ run

19:12:29 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
    Skipping non-emergency job "Running shell processes…"
    ..  Skipping non-emergency job "Unmounting file systems…"
19:12:29 [1]: void Calamares::ViewManager::onInstallationFailed(const QString&,
const QString&)
    ERROR: Installation failed: "Bad main script file"
    .. - message: "Bad main script file"
    .. - details: Main script file
/usr/share/calamares/modules/neon-fs-cleanup/ for python job
neon-fs-cleanup raised an exception.


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