--- Comment #3 from Matt Whitlock <> ---
Playing around with this a little more, I think I see what is happening. KWin
*does* treat unfocusable windows differently in that it always passes clicks
through to them even if "Inactive Inner Window Actions" for left-clicks is set
to "Activate and raise." The difficulty is that the plasmashell panel is made
focusable whenever it is displaying any popup window such as a tooltip or popup
menu. Whenever it is in this "focusable but unfocused" state, left-clicking on
it merely focuses on it but does not pass the click through to it. You can see
this if you click on the launcher button to open the applications menu and then
click on the launcher button again. The applications menu will not be hidden by
your second click, as that click merely transfers focus from the popup menu
back to the panel window. A third click on the launcher button will close the
applications menu because that click is passed to the panel window since it is
focusable and focused. Once the applications menu is closed, the panel window
is made unfocusable again, and indeed focus transfers back to whatever window
had the focus before you opened the applications menu.

CURRENT BEHAVIOR OF "Activate and raise" POLICY:
• If clicked window is unfocusable, then raise and pass click.
• If clicked window is focusable but unfocused, then activate and raise.
• If clicked window is focusable and focused, then pass click.

Same as above but with one additional case:
• If clicked window is focusable and is an ancestor of the focused window, then
pass click.

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