--- Comment #5 from Matt Whitlock <> ---
(In reply to Brent Spillner from comment #4)
> Is that too general, though?  In a multi-window application such as GIMP,
> when a toolbar window is focused, passing a click through to the main window
> may not be the intended behavior of a user who selected "Activate and
> Raise."

That's a fair point. I don't know if the compositor has enough information to
discriminate between child windows that are interactive and those that are not,
other than by examining the focusable flag. Conceptually, tooltips and other
pop-over windows should not be focusable since you're never supposed to
interact with them, but I suspect they were implemented as focusable so that
they could detect when they lose focus and hide themselves. Of course, ideally
the parent widget would hide its associated pop-over whenever the parent window
loses focus, but that's harder to implement and might miss some corner cases,
leading to the dreaded stuck tooltip.

> Do plasmashell and other applications displaying tooltips need to be marked
> focusable while doing so?  Perhaps the right way to close up the state
> machine is simply not to mark windows as focusable merely because they raise
> a child.

I don't think the panel gets made focusable merely because it has a visible
child window. I think it's an intentional flag change. It might be done this
way so that it's possible to navigate the panel using the keyboard. That's
important for accessibility. That said, I'm not sure why opening the
applications menu (or a tray pop-up) by using the mouse should make the panel
focusable. If the panel remained unfocusable, then the current click-passing
logic would just work. However, that wouldn't solve the issue elsewhere, such
as in the Dolphin context menu, where the context menu absolutely does need to
be focusable so you can navigate the menu items using the keyboard.

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