Thomas Lübking <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |RESOLVED
         Resolution|---                         |UPSTREAM

--- Comment #9 from Thomas Lübking <> ---
The TearFree setting in the Xorg intel driver is not (really) related to GL
swap control in clients (like the KWin compositor scene)

Afaics, you should have buffer_age support which means kwin will swap, thus
flip, so TearFree should not be required, BUT: you'll likely get tearing (now)
when playing videos etc. uncomposited.

Apparently the TearFree option is buggy reg. randr events, I suggest to file a
bug on - I cannot recall any relevant changes in
KWin itr., notably none that would cover XRender as well and on top of all
freeze the topleft (old root area, this could not be explained by "we forget to
resize the overlay window") screen.

Was the "good" screen btw. fully composited (with shadows, translucency, fading
in windows etc.) or just "visible at least"?

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