Hi all
Today I upgraded RasterTools to version 3.0 beta.

The main highlights are the following:

a) Reorganized menus in a more simple and intuitive order
b) added a 'Recent used tools' menu with the list  of the last 10 used
c) Enhanced 'Help' option as a tree of documents
d) Added 'Warp raster' toolbox to warp images using affine, perspective and
bicubic transformation
e) Added Multiflow accumulation algorithm (Freeman, 1991)
f) Added export raster to KMZ with embedded legend for  single banded

The complete set of tools (some are multitools)  now reaches  the number of
70, mainly built using the huge reference available (a list of the
minimum reference is available on the help option).
Together with Sextante and OpenKLEM, Rastertools will probably cover not
all but almost the need for a teaching class and a base professional
project, which includes:
1) land classification
2) hydraulic, visibility, cost/path, math, statistic analysis
3) creation, visualization, elaboration and overlay of images.

In the future, the brench  3 of RasterTools will be used for the correction
of bugs and  a better  integration of the tools to OpenJUMP, OpenKLEM and

Giuseppe Aruta
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

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