Thanks for looking into this Casey. The version of Juju I'm
running is 2.2.6-xenial-amd64
Spicule Ltd
Tel: 01603 327762 <>
On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 6:30 PM, Casey Marshall
<>> wrote:
On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 12:09 PM, Tom Barber
< <>> wrote:
hey Casey
if you have no models and try and deploy a bundle
with terms it shows you the deploy screen them
hangs. if you go back you see the model with 0 units
this is a local bundle we were testing, just
exported from the gui, Ste can provide it if you
need it.
Thanks for clarifying. One last question, what version
of Juju was used on the command line when trying to
deploy the exported bundle?
On 28 Nov 2017 6:00 pm, "Casey Marshall"
<>> wrote:
On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 10:50 AM, Stephen Downie
<>> wrote:
Thanks. I have tried running juju agree
spiculecharms/pdi-terms/1 and it states
terms already agreed?
When trying to deploy in the GUI it returns
the error message cannot create bundle:
already exists. It appears that it creates
the model but does't actually deploy
anything? I know I'm a bit new to this but
something seems a bit broken.
Is it possible that the model name in the GUI
(the drop down in the upper-left of the canvas)
matched an already-created model name? You might
need to type in a new model name there.
Or does this happen for new models with this
bundle no matter what?
Was this in the GUI in JAAS (
<>)? Did you try deploying
a bundle from the charmstore, or did you try
importing a bundle.yaml file?
Thanks all for your help.
Spicule Ltd
Tel: 01603 327762 <>
On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 12:33 PM, Tom Barber
<>> wrote:
stupid question, but I assume the
bundles should handle t&c's better?
On 28 Nov 2017 12:29, "Ales Stimec"
<>> wrote:
Could you please try
juju agree spiculecharms/pdi-terms/1
This is these are the terms that
require agreement in order to deploy
To get a list of terms i used:
Best regards,
Ales Stimec
PS: fyi: the terms service issues
short-lived macaroons (auth tokens)
that are valid for 5 minutes…
On 28 Nov 2017, at 12:59, John
Meinel <
<>> wrote:
Do you know what terms you need to
accept? You should be able to 'juju
accept termname'.
The other thing to check is if your
local clock time is fairly accurate.
I believe we filed a bug recently
that the term server gives out
temporary auth tokens that are only
valid for 1 minute. (and we end up
evaluating the time both locally
and remotely and should really only
evaluate it remotely).
On Nov 28, 2017 15:49, "Stephen
Downie" <
<>> wrote:
I am trying to deploy a bundle
that has a charm that contains
terms and conditions. I am
getting the following error
Any help would be appreciated.
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