With 2.2.6, I cannot reproduce any problems with deploying your charm. See

Please send me more information about your installation:

- How you installed Juju (snap, deb from PPA, compiled from source, etc.)
- Platform information on the machine you're running the Juju client on,
OS, etc. Is it on a physical host, in a VM, in a container?
- What cloud you're trying to deploy into

If you type `juju list-agreements`, does that show terms you've agreed to?


On Sat, Dec 2, 2017 at 4:55 PM, Tom Barber <> wrote:

> Just as a quick update, I get the same if I deploy the charm directly and
> from the charm store ie not in a bundle.
> But removing the terms in the metadata.yaml removes the error.
> Tom
> On 28/11/17 18:36, Stephen Downie wrote:
> Thanks for looking into this Casey. The version of Juju I'm running is
> 2.2.6-xenial-amd64
> Spicule Ltd
> Tel: 01603 327762
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 6:30 PM, Casey Marshall <
>> wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 12:09 PM, Tom Barber <> wrote:
>>> hey Casey
>>> if you have no models and try and deploy a bundle with terms it shows
>>> you the deploy screen them hangs. if you go back you see the model with 0
>>> units deployed.
>>> this is a local bundle we were testing, just exported from the gui, Ste
>>> can provide it if you need it.
>> Thanks for clarifying. One last question, what version of Juju was used
>> on the command line when trying to deploy the exported bundle?
>>> Tom
>>> On 28 Nov 2017 6:00 pm, "Casey Marshall" <>
>>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 10:50 AM, Stephen Downie <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks. I have tried running juju agree spiculecharms/pdi-terms/1 and
>>>> it states terms already agreed?
>>>> When trying to deploy in the GUI it returns the error message cannot
>>>> create bundle: already exists. It appears that it creates the model but
>>>> does't actually deploy anything? I know I'm a bit new to this but something
>>>> seems a bit broken.
>>> Is it possible that the model name in the GUI (the drop down in the
>>> upper-left of the canvas) matched an already-created model name? You might
>>> need to type in a new model name there.
>>> Or does this happen for new models with this bundle no matter what?
>>> Was this in the GUI in JAAS ( Did you try deploying a
>>> bundle from the charmstore, or did you try importing a bundle.yaml file?
>>>> Thanks all for your help.
>>>> Spicule Ltd
>>>> Tel: 01603 327762
>>>> On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 12:33 PM, Tom Barber <> wrote:
>>>>> stupid question, but I assume the bundles should handle t&c's better?
>>>>> On 28 Nov 2017 12:29, "Ales Stimec" <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Could you please try
>>>>>>    juju agree spiculecharms/pdi-terms/1
>>>>>> This is these are the terms that require agreement in order to deploy
>>>>>> cs:~spiculecharms/pentaho-data-integration-45.
>>>>>> To get a list of terms i used:
>>>>>>    curl "
>>>>>> taho-data-integration-45/meta/any?include=id&include=terms"
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>     Ales Stimec
>>>>>> PS: fyi: the terms service issues short-lived macaroons (auth tokens)
>>>>>> that are valid for 5 minutes…
>>>>>> On 28 Nov 2017, at 12:59, John Meinel <> wrote:
>>>>>> Do you know what terms you need to accept? You should be able to
>>>>>> 'juju accept termname'.
>>>>>> The other thing to check is if your local clock time is fairly
>>>>>> accurate.
>>>>>> I believe we filed a bug recently that the term server gives out
>>>>>> temporary auth tokens that are only valid for 1 minute. (and we end up
>>>>>> evaluating the time both locally and remotely and should really only
>>>>>> evaluate it remotely).
>>>>>> John
>>>>>> =:->
>>>>>> On Nov 28, 2017 15:49, "Stephen Downie" <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> I am trying to deploy a bundle that has a charm that contains terms
>>>>>> and conditions. I am getting the following error message
>>>>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>> Spicule Ltd
>>>>>> Tel: 01603 327762
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>>>>>> 09954122. Registered office: First Floor, Telecom House, 125-135
>>>>>> Preston Road, Brighton, England, BN1 6AF
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