lucasbru commented on code in PR #18721:

@@ -2097,276 +2102,113 @@ <VO, VR> KStream<K, VR> outerJoin(final KStream<K, 
VO> otherStream,
      * <td>&lt;K1:ValueJoiner(C,b)&gt;</td>
      * </tr>
      * </table>
-     * Both input streams (or to be more precise, their underlying source 
topics) need to have the same number of
-     * partitions.
-     * If this is not the case, you would need to call {@link 
#repartition(Repartitioned)} for this {@code KStream}
-     * before doing the join, specifying the same number of partitions via 
{@link Repartitioned} parameter as the given
+     *
+     * By default, {@code KStream} records are processed by performing a 
lookup for matching records in the
+     * <em>current</em> (i.e., processing time) internal {@link KTable} state.
+     * This default implementation does not handle out-of-order records in 
either input of the join well.
+     * See {@link #join(KTable, ValueJoiner, Joined)} on how to configure a 
stream-table join to handle out-of-order
+     * data.
+     *
+     * <p>Both input streams (or to be more precise, their underlying source 
topics) need to have the same number of
+     * partitions (cf. {@link #join(GlobalKTable, KeyValueMapper, 
+     * If this is not the case (and if not auto-repartitioning happens for the 
stream, see further below), you would
+     * need to call {@link #repartition(Repartitioned)} for this {@code 
KStream} before doing the join, specifying the
+     * same number of partitions via {@link Repartitioned} parameter as the 
given {@link KTable}.
+     * Furthermore, both input streams need to be co-partitioned on the join 
key (i.e., use the same partitioner).
+     * Note: Kafka Streams cannot verify the used partitioning strategy, so it 
is the user's responsibility to ensure
+     * that the same partitioner is used for both input for the join.
+     *
+     * <p>If a key changing operator was used on this {@code KStream} before 
this operation
+     * (e.g., {@link #selectKey(KeyValueMapper)}, {@link 
#map(KeyValueMapper)}, {@link #flatMap(KeyValueMapper)} or
+     * {@link #process(ProcessorSupplier, String...)}) Kafka Streams will 
automatically repartition the data of this
+     * {@code KStream}, i.e., it will create an internal repartitioning topic 
in Kafka and write and re-read
+     * the data via this topic such that data is correctly partitioned by the 
{@link KTable}'s key.
+     *
+     * <p>The repartitioning topic will be named 
+     * where "applicationId" is user-specified in {@link StreamsConfig} via 
+     * "&lt;name&gt;" is an internally generated name, and "-repartition" is a 
fixed suffix.
+     * The number of partitions for the repartition topic is determined based 
on number of partitions of the
      * {@link KTable}.
-     * Furthermore, both input streams need to be co-partitioned on the join 
key (i.e., use the same partitioner);
-     * cf. {@link #join(GlobalKTable, KeyValueMapper, ValueJoiner)}.
-     * If this requirement is not met, Kafka Streams will automatically 
repartition the data, i.e., it will create an
-     * internal repartitioning topic in Kafka and write and re-read the data 
via this topic before the actual join.
-     * The repartitioning topic will be named 
"${applicationId}-&lt;name&gt;-repartition", where "applicationId" is
-     * user-specified in {@link StreamsConfig} via parameter
"&lt;name&gt;" is an internally generated
-     * name, and "-repartition" is a fixed suffix.
-     * <p>
-     * You can retrieve all generated internal topic names via {@link 
-     * <p>
-     * Repartitioning can happen only for this {@code KStream} but not for the 
provided {@link KTable}.
-     * For this case, all data of the stream will be redistributed through the 
repartitioning topic by writing all
-     * records to it, and rereading all records from it, such that the join 
input {@code KStream} is partitioned
-     * correctly on its key.
+     * Furthermore, the topic(s) will be created with infinite retention time 
and data will be automatically purged
+     * by Kafka Streams.
+     *
+     * <p>You can retrieve all generated internal topic names via {@link 
+     * To explicitly set key/value serdes or to customize the names of the 
repartition topic,
+     * use {@link #join(KTable, ValueJoiner, Joined)}.
+     * For more control over the repartitioning, use {@link 
#repartition(Repartitioned)} before {@code join()}.
+     *
+     * @param table
+     *        the {@link KTable} to be joined with this stream
+     * @param joiner
+     *        a {@link ValueJoiner} that computes the join result for a pair 
of matching records
+     *
+     * @param <VTable> the value type of the table
+     * @param <VOut> the value type of the result stream
+     *
+     * @return A {@code KStream} that contains join-records for each key and 
values computed by the given
+     *         {@link ValueJoiner}, one for each matched record-pair with the 
same key
-     * @param table  the {@link KTable} to be joined with this stream
-     * @param joiner a {@link ValueJoiner} that computes the join result for a 
pair of matching records
-     * @param <VT>   the value type of the table
-     * @param <VR>   the value type of the result stream
-     * @return a {@code KStream} that contains join-records for each key and 
values computed by the given
-     * {@link ValueJoiner}, one for each matched record-pair with the same key
      * @see #leftJoin(KTable, ValueJoiner)
-     * @see #join(GlobalKTable, KeyValueMapper, ValueJoiner)
-    <VT, VR> KStream<K, VR> join(final KTable<K, VT> table,
-                                 final ValueJoiner<? super V, ? super VT, ? 
extends VR> joiner);
+    <VTable, VOut> KStream<K, VOut> join(final KTable<K, VTable> table,
+                                         final ValueJoiner<? super V, ? super 
VTable, ? extends VOut> joiner);
-     * Join records of this stream with {@link KTable}'s records using 
non-windowed inner equi join with default
-     * serializers and deserializers.
-     * The join is a primary key table lookup join with join attribute {@code 
stream.key == table.key}.
-     * "Table lookup join" means, that results are only computed if {@code 
KStream} records are processed.
-     * This is done by performing a lookup for matching records in the 
<em>current</em> (i.e., processing time) internal
-     * {@link KTable} state.
-     * In contrast, processing {@link KTable} input records will only update 
the internal {@link KTable} state and
-     * will not produce any result records.
-     * <p>
-     * For each {@code KStream} record that finds a corresponding record in 
{@link KTable} the provided
-     * {@link ValueJoinerWithKey} will be called to compute a value (with 
arbitrary type) for the result record.
-     * Note that the key is read-only and should not be modified, as this can 
lead to undefined behaviour.
+     * See {@link #join(KTable, ValueJoiner)}.
-     * The key of the result record is the same as for both joining input 
-     * If an {@code KStream} input record key or value is {@code null} the 
record will not be included in the join
-     * operation and thus no output record will be added to the resulting 
{@code KStream}.
-     * <p>
-     * Example:
-     * <table border='1'>
-     * <tr>
-     * <th>KStream</th>
-     * <th>KTable</th>
-     * <th>state</th>
-     * <th>result</th>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td>&lt;K1:A&gt;</td>
-     * <td></td>
-     * <td></td>
-     * <td></td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td></td>
-     * <td>&lt;K1:b&gt;</td>
-     * <td>&lt;K1:b&gt;</td>
-     * <td></td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td>&lt;K1:C&gt;</td>
-     * <td></td>
-     * <td>&lt;K1:b&gt;</td>
-     * <td>&lt;K1:ValueJoinerWithKey(K1,C,b)&gt;</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * </table>
-     * Both input streams (or to be more precise, their underlying source 
topics) need to have the same number of
-     * partitions.
-     * If this is not the case, you would need to call {@link 
#repartition(Repartitioned)} for this {@code KStream}
-     * before doing the join, specifying the same number of partitions via 
{@link Repartitioned} parameter as the given
-     * {@link KTable}.
-     * Furthermore, both input streams need to be co-partitioned on the join 
key (i.e., use the same partitioner);
-     * cf. {@link #join(GlobalKTable, KeyValueMapper, ValueJoinerWithKey)}.
-     * If this requirement is not met, Kafka Streams will automatically 
repartition the data, i.e., it will create an
-     * internal repartitioning topic in Kafka and write and re-read the data 
via this topic before the actual join.
-     * The repartitioning topic will be named 
"${applicationId}-&lt;name&gt;-repartition", where "applicationId" is
-     * user-specified in {@link StreamsConfig} via parameter
"&lt;name&gt;" is an internally generated
-     * name, and "-repartition" is a fixed suffix.
-     * <p>
-     * You can retrieve all generated internal topic names via {@link 
-     * <p>
-     * Repartitioning can happen only for this {@code KStream} but not for the 
provided {@link KTable}.
-     * For this case, all data of the stream will be redistributed through the 
repartitioning topic by writing all
-     * records to it, and rereading all records from it, such that the join 
input {@code KStream} is partitioned
-     * correctly on its key.
-     *
-     * @param table  the {@link KTable} to be joined with this stream
-     * @param joiner a {@link ValueJoinerWithKey} that computes the join 
result for a pair of matching records
-     * @param <VT>   the value type of the table
-     * @param <VR>   the value type of the result stream
-     * @return a {@code KStream} that contains join-records for each key and 
values computed by the given
-     * {@link ValueJoinerWithKey}, one for each matched record-pair with the 
same key
-     * @see #leftJoin(KTable, ValueJoinerWithKey)
-     * @see #join(GlobalKTable, KeyValueMapper, ValueJoinerWithKey)
+     * <p>Note that the key is read-only and must not be modified, as this can 
lead to corrupt partitioning.
-    <VT, VR> KStream<K, VR> join(final KTable<K, VT> table,
-                                 final ValueJoinerWithKey<? super K, ? super 
V, ? super VT, ? extends VR> joiner);
+    <VTable, VOut> KStream<K, VOut> join(final KTable<K, VTable> table,
+                                         final ValueJoinerWithKey<? super K, ? 
super V, ? super VTable, ? extends VOut> joiner);
-     * Join records of this stream with {@link KTable}'s records using 
non-windowed inner equi join with default
-     * serializers and deserializers.
-     * The join is a primary key table lookup join with join attribute {@code 
stream.key == table.key}.
-     * "Table lookup join" means, that results are only computed if {@code 
KStream} records are processed.
-     * This is done by performing a lookup for matching records in the 
<em>current</em> (i.e., processing time) internal
-     * {@link KTable} state.
-     * In contrast, processing {@link KTable} input records will only update 
the internal {@link KTable} state and
-     * will not produce any result records.
-     * <p>
-     * For each {@code KStream} record that finds a corresponding record in 
{@link KTable} the provided
-     * {@link ValueJoiner} will be called to compute a value (with arbitrary 
type) for the result record.
-     * The key of the result record is the same as for both joining input 
-     * If an {@code KStream} input record key or value is {@code null} the 
record will not be included in the join
-     * operation and thus no output record will be added to the resulting 
{@code KStream}.
-     * <p>
-     * Example:
-     * <table border='1'>
-     * <tr>
-     * <th>KStream</th>
-     * <th>KTable</th>
-     * <th>state</th>
-     * <th>result</th>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td>&lt;K1:A&gt;</td>
-     * <td></td>
-     * <td></td>
-     * <td></td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td></td>
-     * <td>&lt;K1:b&gt;</td>
-     * <td>&lt;K1:b&gt;</td>
-     * <td></td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td>&lt;K1:C&gt;</td>
-     * <td></td>
-     * <td>&lt;K1:b&gt;</td>
-     * <td>&lt;K1:ValueJoiner(C,b)&gt;</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * </table>
-     * Both input streams (or to be more precise, their underlying source 
topics) need to have the same number of
-     * partitions.
-     * If this is not the case, you would need to call {@link 
#repartition(Repartitioned)} for this {@code KStream}
-     * before doing the join, specifying the same number of partitions via 
{@link Repartitioned} parameter as the given
-     * {@link KTable}.
-     * Furthermore, both input streams need to be co-partitioned on the join 
key (i.e., use the same partitioner);
-     * cf. {@link #join(GlobalKTable, KeyValueMapper, ValueJoiner)}.
-     * If this requirement is not met, Kafka Streams will automatically 
repartition the data, i.e., it will create an
-     * internal repartitioning topic in Kafka and write and re-read the data 
via this topic before the actual join.
-     * The repartitioning topic will be named 
"${applicationId}-&lt;name&gt;-repartition", where "applicationId" is
-     * user-specified in {@link StreamsConfig} via parameter
"&lt;name&gt;" is an internally generated
-     * name, and "-repartition" is a fixed suffix.
-     * <p>
-     * You can retrieve all generated internal topic names via {@link 
-     * <p>
-     * Repartitioning can happen only for this {@code KStream} but not for the 
provided {@link KTable}.
-     * For this case, all data of the stream will be redistributed through the 
repartitioning topic by writing all
-     * records to it, and rereading all records from it, such that the join 
input {@code KStream} is partitioned
-     * correctly on its key.
+     * Join records of this stream with {@link KTable}'s records using 
non-windowed inner equi join.
+     * In contrast to {@link #join(KTable, ValueJoiner)}, but only if the used 
{@link KTable} is backed by a
+     * {@link org.apache.kafka.streams.state.VersionedKeyValueStore 
VersionedKeyValueStore}, the additional
+     * {@link Joined} parameter allows to specify a join grace-period, to 
handle out-of-order data gracefully.
-     * @param table  the {@link KTable} to be joined with this stream
-     * @param joiner a {@link ValueJoiner} that computes the join result for a 
pair of matching records
-     * @param joined      a {@link Joined} instance that defines the serdes to
-     *                    be used to serialize/deserialize inputs of the 
joined streams
-     * @param <VT>   the value type of the table
-     * @param <VR>   the value type of the result stream
-     * @return a {@code KStream} that contains join-records for each key and 
values computed by the given
-     * {@link ValueJoiner}, one for each matched record-pair with the same key
-     * @see #leftJoin(KTable, ValueJoiner, Joined)
-     * @see #join(GlobalKTable, KeyValueMapper, ValueJoiner)
+     * <p>For details about stream-table semantics, including co-partitioning 
requirements, (auto-)repartitioning,
+     * and more see {@link #join(KTable, ValueJoiner)}.
+     * If you specify a grace-period to handle out-of-order data, see further 
details below.
+     *
+     * <p>To handle out-of-order records, the input {@link KTable} must use a
+     * {@link org.apache.kafka.streams.state.VersionedKeyValueStore 
VersionedKeyValueStore} (specified via a
+     * {@link Materialized} parameter when the {@link KTable} is created), and 
a join
+     * {@link Joined#withGracePeriod(Duration) grace-period} must be specified.
+     * For this case, {@code KStream} records are buffered until the end of 
the grace period and the {@link KTable}
+     * lookup is performed with some delay.
+     * Given that the {@link KTable} state is versioned, the lookup can use 
"event time", allowing out-of-order
+     * {@code KStream} records, to join to the right (older) version of a 
{@link KTable} record with the same key.
+     * Also, {@link KTable} out-of-order updates are handled correctly by the 
versioned state store.
+     * Note, that using a join grace-period introduces the notion of "late 
records", i.e., records with a timestamp
+     * smaller than the defined grace-period allows; these "late records" will 
be dropped, and not join computation
+     * is triggered.
+     * Using a versioned state store for the {@link KTable} also implies that 
the defined "history retention" provides
+     * a cut-off point, and "late record" will be dropped, not updating the 
{@link KTable} state.
+     * <p>If a join grace-period is specified, the {@code KStream} will be 
materialized in a local state store.

Review Comment:
   Aah, yes. Sorry, I misread this paragraph, still thinking about the 
`KTable`. This makes sense.

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