
Le mercredi 17 avril 2019 11:20:55 UTC+2, Cyrille Le Clerc a écrit :
> @Benjamin can you please create a jira issue, it's easier for us to follow 
> up.
> On Monday, March 25, 2019 at 9:40:57 AM UTC+1, Benjamin Tocquec wrote:
>> Not really closed !!!!!
>> For a new project, it won't be added to downstream list of its parent 
>> project unless its status is STABLE.
>> So in my case, when a new project compile but Sonar gate fails, it's 
>> marked as UNSTABLE and not present in downstream list of its parent.
>> Can someone help me please?
>> Le jeudi 21 mars 2019 20:37:33 UTC+1, Benjamin Tocquec a écrit :
>>> Finally found the mistake/solution: my Sonar Stage was in a separated 
>>> node. Groupingg every stages in same node solved my issue.
>>> Thanks
>>> Le jeudi 21 mars 2019 18:59:38 UTC+1, Benjamin Tocquec a écrit :
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Here is my context.
>>>> I have a pipeline with main steps:
>>>>    - mvn clean deploy
>>>>    - mvn test
>>>>    - sonar quality gate
>>>> I choose to set currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE' if last step (quality 
>>>> gate from Sonar) is not OK.
>>>> I want my dependencies to build automatically downstream projects when 
>>>> Everything works well when quality gate is OK (means the job is 
>>>> SUCCESS):
>>>> If my newly SUCCESSed project A contains SNAPSHOTed dependencies B, I 
>>>> can see on "Downstream Jobs" of this dependency B the newly build project.
>>>> So, when I build this dependency B, on finished, job from project A is 
>>>> launched.
>>>> BUT
>>>> If my job from project A is UNSTABLE (by choice, forced in my 
>>>> pipeline), it will be no more referenced as a downstream Job from 
>>>> dependency B.
>>>> (so building B will no more trigger A)
>>>> I'd like this relationship not to be lost :/
>>>> Any help appreciated !
>>>> Thanks!

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