Hi, I'm trying to lock multiple stages in a pipeline and would like to use 
NODE_NAME as the resource. Purpose is to allow multiple parallel executions 
of the pipeline on different available nodes, but to make a node 
unavailable while it's used by one running pipeline instance.
Now, the trick is that pipeline needs to be setup to run on two nodes at 
the same time (please see example below).
I've tried setting it up by using lock in options block of the surrounding 
stage, but since options gets evaluated/executed before agent is assigned 
to a stage, this fails to find NODE_NAME.

pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage ('main') {
parallel {
stage ('server') {
agent { label 'server' }
options { lock("${NODE_NAME}")} // This doesn't work. NODE_NAME not 
steps {
script {
echo "${NODE_NAME}"
stage ('client') {
agent { label 'client' }
options { lock("${NODE_NAME}")} // This doesn't work. NODE_NAME not 
steps {
script {
echo "${NODE_NAME}"

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