That's odd, according to the pom [1] the only non-test dependency is on the
structs plugins.

Can you show a screenshot or something that shows this dependency info?

1 -

On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 10:23 AM CLOSE Dave <>

> On 11/03/17 03:05, Daniel Beck wrote:
> > If you're not using Declarative (or even Pipeline), I'd start
> > disabling things there. (On the plugins manager UI, disabling plugins
> > enables checkboxes of plugins that can then be disabled because
> > nothing else depends on them, etc. -- much easier than deleting one
> > by one.)
> Every one of the Pipeline plugins, all 23 of them, claim to be dependent
> on some other plugins. None offer the option to disable. The chain seems
> endless. And many of the plugins asserted to be dependent are ones I
> want to keep, such as Pipeline: Step API says it is dependent on Gerrit
> Trigger and Pipeline: SCM Step says it is dependent on Git plugin.
> --
> Dave Close, Thales InFlyt Experience, Irvine California USA.
> cell +1 949 394 2124 <(949)%20394-2124>,
>  "If your aren't in over your head,
>   how do you know how tall you are?" -- T. S. Eliot
> --
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