No I don't have any post commit hook defined.  Starting with a green field 
here.  Sounds like that's what I need to setup though.

I also don't have the "Scan Multibranch Pipeline Triggers" checkbox enabled 
on my job configuration.  I really don't know how it could be triggering 
unless that PollSCM in my Jenkinsfile is somehow working.

On Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 6:48:55 PM UTC-5, Stephen Connolly wrote:
> Sounds like you have a post commit hook pushing the commit details to 
> Jenkins, in which case events are working... to confirm, check the cause of 
> a build, if it says "Branch Event" then you are solid gold... 
> On Wed 30 Aug 2017 at 00:42, Dallas Clement < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Thanks for the info Stephen.  I was not aware that the pollSCM trigger 
>> was ignored in a multibranch pipeline.  Something is polling for changes.  
>> When someone pushes a change, a build gets triggered shortly thereafter.  I 
>> do agree with you that polling is evil and not scalable with many 
>> branches.  I would like to make things event driven.  Will need to 
>> investigate how with git.
>> On Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 5:33:42 PM UTC-5, Stephen Connolly wrote:
>>> On Tue 29 Aug 2017 at 23:21, Stephen Connolly <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Tue 29 Aug 2017 at 22:35, Dallas Clement <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> If I click on the "Scan Multibranch Pipeline Now" link in the Jenkins 
>>>>> dashboard, it will kick off a build immediately even when there were no 
>>>>> changes.  I have my declarative Jenkinsfile configured to poll for SCM 
>>>>> changes.  I only want builds to be triggered from SCM changes.  Any idea 
>>>>> how I can suppress this behavior?
>>>>> pipeline {
>>>>>   agent any
>>>>>   options {
>>>>>     disableConcurrentBuilds()
>>>>>     timestamps()
>>>>>     buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '8'))
>>>>>   }
>>>>>   triggers {
>>>>>     // Poll every 5 minutes for new changes
>>>>>     pollSCM 'H/5 * * * *'
>>>> You do know in multibranch that this poll is ignored?
>>> To explain why the design is this way:
>>> 1. Polling is evil
>>> 2. In most SCM implementations the poll for each branch is effectively a 
>>> redundant check, so if you have 10 branches all polling then Jenkins will 
>>> end up doing the *exact same* operation in a parallel batch of 5 (default 
>>> polling pool size) and follow up with another batch of 5... hammering the 
>>> SCM where one request would provide the answer for all 10 branches.
>>> 3. Branch API needs to maintain its own state as to the last revision 
>>> built. Polling will not update that correctly.
>>> 4. Polling for Git can be a mess due to how git can be configured to 
>>> built multiple branches in one job.
>>> So the decision is that polling is disabled on multibranch leaf jobs (if 
>>> you have a case where it is not disabled... congratulations you have found 
>>> a bug... likely not the one you thought, but a bug... polling should not 
>>> happen for leaf nodes of a multibranch project)
>>> You want to have indexing at a frequency such that if an event was lost, 
>>> you cannot go more than this long without the build (typically somewhere 
>>> between 4-24h for most people)
>>> You want event support to trigger the builds, not polling
>>>   }
>>>>> -- 
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