
I am trying to move towards Pipelines instead of our Build Flow /
Parameterized Trigger plugin setup. It is mostly making sense, but there is
one thing that seems very cumbersome / maybe even impossible under
Pipelines which I can do with ease via the Parameterized Trigger plugin
(see documentation here

I like the concept of being able to trigger another job, and specify a
properties file (each line is in the format x=y) somewhere in my job's
workspace which automatically become the parameters of the next job in the
sequence. It would be awesome to have this functionality exist somewhere in
Pipelines as a step or some one-liner I could use.

For example, say I have this pipeline (basically: create parameters for a
deploy, then deploy using those parameters):

> pipeline {
>     agent any
>     stages {
>         stage('Parameters') {
>              steps {
>                 build job: "DeployParameters", parameters: [string(name:
> 'project', value: project), string(name: 'branchName', value: branchName)]
>                 /* grab artifact file "artifact.txt" from
> "DeployParameters" job and set a bunch of variables based on it */
>                 }
> }
>         stage('Deploy') {
>              steps {
>                 build job: "DeployJob", parameters: /* pass in all
> parameters set above */
>              }}}}}

First of all, looking at the commented lines, is the above possible at all,
using a step or otherwise? I tried using the below code to do something
similar, but it (Jenkins v2.74) complained "Scripts not permitted to use
new java.util.Properties"

step([$class: 'CopyArtifact',
>          filter: 'artifact.txt',
>          projectName: "DeployParameters"])
> script {
>          def content = readFile 'artifact.txt'
>          Properties properties = new Properties()
>          InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes());
>          properties.load(is)
>          def runtimeString = 'variable_i_want'
>          variable_i_want = properties."$runtimeString" }

I know I can probably tell my Jenkins installation to allow
java.util.Properties, but that seems like an unsustainable hack. I don't
think I'm doing anything terribly insecure here, so I would really like to
be above-board about it.

Second, even if I could get the above code to work, it is simply too long
and un-maintainable. Especially since I would probably be re-using this
many times, it would be awesome to replace this functionality in the
Parameterized Trigger plugin with a simple one-liner. It may even help
somebody else somewhere.

Has anybody else needed something like this? If this is a feature request
not currently thought of, what would it take to get this solution developed?

Thanks for any help,

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