Okay, solved at last.

In addition to the below stage, for your reference, I had to also add the 
id_rsa and id_rsa.pub files to ~/.ssh. Then I had to do a git push manually 
from the command line which then instructed me to trust the ssh key. 
Following this, the script from the stage then worked.

The problem I am facing now is that it seems the "ci skip" plug-in is not 
working. Despite the presence of "[ci skip]" in the commit message, the job 
is being triggered in a loop (because the job makes a push to the master 
branch, meaning a push webhook again triggers it...

stage ("Publish to npm") {
         steps {
            script {
               STAGE_NAME = "Publish to npm"
               if (BRANCH_NAME == "master") {
                  // Publish to npm and bump the version number for the 
next release
                  sh "npm publish"
                  sshagent (credentials: [
'e276113e-0ec9-4eaa-88f9-a7db5c9635b6']) {
                     sh '''
                        git clone git@****.git
                        cd ****
                        npm --no-git-tag-version version minor
                        git config --global user.name "****"
                        git config --global user.email ****
                        git commit -am 'Bumped version number [ci skip]'
                        git push origin master
                  slackSend (
                     color: '#199515',
                     message: "$JOB_NAME: Build #$BUILD_NUMBER passed 
               else {
                  echo "Not in 'master' branch. Don't attempt publishing."

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