Joshua, perhaps you mean something like this?
The git commands likely miss something...

stage ("Publish to npm") {
   steps {
      script {
         STAGE_NAME = "Publish to npm"
      // Prepare the workspace
      sh '''
         git checkout -b master
         npm --no-git-tag-version version minor
         git commit -am 'Bumped version number [ci skip]'
         git push origin master

On Friday, March 24, 2017 at 4:31:59 PM UTC+3, Idan Adar wrote:
> Thanks for the question Joshua.
> Here's the full Jenkinsfile:
> What happens is this:
> 1. Developers make a pull request to the master branch from their feature 
> branch.
> 2. The pull_request webhook tells Jenkins to start working based on the 
> stages in the Jenkinsfile. This includes: checkout, unit test, sonar 
> analysis and merge to master.
> 3. The effect of the merge is basically a push webhook, which means that 
> Jenkins is now going to run the same Jenkinsfile, but on the master branch 
> instead of the Pull Request. So, this time: checkout, unit tests and 
> publish to npm.
> In the case where it is running from the master branch, I also bump the 
> version number in package.json and want to push this change back to the 
> master branch.
> Developers will then update their feature branch with the updated 
> package.json number...
> The part that is not working is the git push.
> You have mentioned "localbranch". I haven't heard of this or know how to 
> do this. Can you elaborate?
> On Friday, March 24, 2017 at 4:18:28 PM UTC+3, Joshua Noble wrote:
>> Generally when you do a basic checkout, the Jenkins workspace is in a 
>> detached HEAD state. You want to check out to a local branch likely using "
>> localBranch". I have to ask though - if Jenkins does a merge of the PR - 
>> why would you need to push?
>> On Friday, March 24, 2017 at 7:37:57 AM UTC-4, Idan Adar wrote:
>>> How do you get "git push" to work in a Jenkinsfile? I am not sure what 
>>> am I missing.
>>> The Jenkinsfile checkouts a repo using an access token (this is 
>>> configured in the Jenkins UI for the job).
>>> The Jenkins file also does a merge of a PR in one of its stages: 
>>> withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: '****', 
>>> usernameVariable: 'ACCESS_TOKEN_USERNAME', passwordVariable: 
>>>     sh "curl -X PUT -d '{\"commit_title\": \"Merge pull request\"}' 
>>>  https://***/pulls/$CHANGE_ID/merge?access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN_PASSWORD";
>>> }
>>> But I can't get "git push" to work in another stage:
>>> git config --global '****'
>>> git config --global ****
>>> git commit -am 'Bumped version number'
>>> git remote set-url origin git@****.git
>>> git push origin master
>>> I tried wrapping the above in withCredential and also . with agent, but 
>>> nothing works...  
>>> Tips?

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