Hello Phil,

The "withCredentials" step exposes the credentials as Shell Environment 
Variables, not as groovy variables.
You can find more details 

Regarding Docker credentials, did you consider using the Pipeline Docker 
Plugin and a "docker.withRegistry(...) {}" build wrapper? You can find a 
sample here: 


On Tuesday, August 9, 2016 at 9:20:17 PM UTC+2, Phil Swenson wrote:
> I am using the Jenkins Pipeline Plugin, but having trouble getting my 
> docker config credential to do what I need.
> using code like:
> node('docker-slave') { 
>     withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', 
> credentialsId: 'NEXUS', usernameVariable: 'NEXUS_USERNAME', 
> passwordVariable: 'NEXUS_PASSWORD'],
>  [$class: 'FileBinding', credentialsId: 'DOCKER_REGISTRY', variable: 
>         def dockerConfigPath = "$DOCKER_CONFIG_PATH"
> the dockerConfigPath above does not get populated as I'd hope...
> The variable DOCKER_CONFIG_PATH passes in the absolute path to the docker 
> config file. I only need the directory path, NOT the file path. 
> So if the DOCKER_CONFIG_PATH is something like 
> /jenkins/tmp/393939kdk/config.json , I need to set the DOCKER_CONFIG 
> environment variable to  /jenkins/tmp/393939kdk/
> Given all the security stuff that's built in to the groovy script, I 
> haven't been able to do this.
> My question boils down to this:  how do I get access to the variable 
> DOCKER_CONFIG_PATH that is pulled from the credentials.  I need to drop the 
> filename at the end off the string.
> Thanks
> phil

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