I followed the instructions to get the workflowLibs.git repository from 

SInce the repository was empty I got nonexistent ref as expected and 
mentioned in the instructions.
sverre@mintaka:~/workspace> git clone 
Cloning into 'workflowLibs'...
Checking connectivity... done.
warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.

sverre@mintaka:~/workspace3> cd workflowLibs/
sverre@mintaka:~/workspace/workflowLibs> git checkout -b master
Switched to a new branch 'master'

I added one file

When I tried to push it didn't work
sverre@mintaka:~/workspace/workflowLibs> git push --set-upstream origin 
fatal: unable to access 'https://build.company.com:8443/workflowLibs.git/': 
The requested URL returned error: 403

mandag 30. mai 2016 08.03.20 UTC+2 skrev Sverre Moe følgende:
> Yes, that explained a lot. Thanks.
> lørdag 28. mai 2016 02.11.53 UTC+2 skrev Kohsuke Kawaguchi følgende:
>> See https://github.com/jenkinsci/workflow-cps-global-lib-plugin
>> Hope that helps!
>> On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 12:37 AM Sverre Moe <sverr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Yes, I came across it, but there is so little information about how to 
>>> use this and how it works. 
>>> The only thing I could find was this example here 
>>> https://github.com/jenkinsci/pipeline-examples/tree/master/global-library-examples/global-function
>>> which I did not understand much of.
>>> // The call(body) method in any file in workflowLibs.git/vars is exposed 
>>> as a method with the same name as the file.
>>> In any file in "workflowLibs.git/vars": Where is this location?
>>> Jenkinsfile
>>> standardBuild {
>>>     environment = 'golang:1.5.0'
>>>     mainScript = '''
>>>         go version
>>>         go build -v hello-world.go
>>>         '''
>>>     postScript = '''
>>>         ls -l
>>>         ./hello-world
>>>         '''
>>> }
>>> standardBuild.groovy
>>> def call(body) {
>>>     def config = [:]
>>>     body.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
>>>     body.delegate = config
>>>     body()
>>>     stage 'checkout'
>>>     node {
>>>         checkout scm
>>>         stage 'main'
>>>         docker.image(config.environment).inside {
>>>             sh config.mainScript
>>>         }
>>>         stage 'post'
>>>         sh config.postScript
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> What is body?
>>> What does this do?
>>> body.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
>>> From what I could understand it would seem standardBuild in Jenkinsfile 
>>> runs the code within call(body) and variables defined in this function in 
>>> the Jenkinsfile is accessible through body.delegate = config somewhat, but 
>>> why that way around and not config = body.delegate
>>> Why is there no def in front of variables in standardBuild?
>>> def mainScript
>>> Where do I place the file standardBuild.groovy?
>>> onsdag 25. mai 2016 22.54.29 UTC+2 skrev Baptiste Mathus følgende:
>>>> Did you possibly have a look at: 
>>>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Pipeline+Remote+Loader+Plugin 
>>>> or 
>>>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Pipeline+Shared+Groovy+Libraries+Plugin
>>>> ?
>>> 2016-05-24 16:00 GMT+02:00 Sverre Moe <sverr...@gmail.com>:
>>> What is the best design approach to keeping the Jenkinsfile small 
>>>>> (little build logic as possible)?
>>>>> Having close to a hundred projects and several branches on each, then 
>>>>> duplicating the pipeline logic within each Jenkinsfile would be a 
>>>>> maintenance nightmare.
>>>>> 1)
>>>>> I could put the Pipeline script within Jenkins Scriptler
>>>>> def packageInformation = load 
>>>>> '../../../scriptler/scripts/package-information.groovy'
>>>>> packageInformation.init()
>>>>> However I'm only able to access this on the master node
>>>>> 2)
>>>>> I could have all the pipeline scripts within a jenkins-ci-scripts 
>>>>> project in Git.
>>>>> stage 'Init'
>>>>> git url: 'ssh://g...@git.company.com/tools/jenkins-ci-scripts.git'
>>>>> stash includes: '**/*.groovy', name: 'scripts'
>>>>> stage 'Checkout'
>>>>> checkout scm
>>>>> unstash scripts
>>>>> def packageInformation = load 
>>>>> 'src/main/groovy/com/company/pipeline/package-information.groovy'
>>>>> packageInformation.init()
>>>>> I could then load the pipeline scripts from this stash. However I do 
>>>>> not like having to duplicate even this much in all my different 
>>>>> Jenkinsfile.
>>>>> 3)
>>>>> We have a inhouse build tool installed on all build machines. This 
>>>>> contains various build scripts, shell, python, ruby.
>>>>> Example Jenkinsfile with little logic as possible
>>>>> def branch = env.BUILD_BRANCH
>>>>> def pipeline = load '/path/to/our/installed/build-pipeline.groovy'
>>>>> parallel pipeline.nodes(branch)
>>>>> My current Jenkins instance I comprised of Multi-configuration 
>>>>> jobs/projects (a jenkins job/project for each release branch). Having 
>>>>> aprox 
>>>>> 8 release branches for each of the 60 projects. I am moving over to 
>>>>> Pipeline because of a complex workflow and because Multi-configuration 
>>>>> does 
>>>>> not support a Prebuild-step that I need.
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