Yes you are right, after restart I lost access to Display :=0.
Is this anyway to get access after every boot?
Can you share some more on XVNC ? I just started exploring Jenkins :)

Thank you very ,much.

On Monday, 7 September 2015 15:50:07 UTC+2, Mark Waite wrote:
> I don't think you'll like the long term results of setting DISPLAY=:0 for 
> the entire Jenkins process.  I think that technique assumes the Jenkins 
> user will always have access to the ":0" X windows display.  The next time 
> you logout, Jenkins won't have access to that display.
> You probably want to install and configure the xvnc plugin and configure 
> the job so that it starts an Xvnc session when the job starts, and closes 
> that Xvnc session when the job ends.  I've used the Xvnc plugin on many 
> different jobs with good results.
> Alternately, you could install and configure the xvfb plugin and configure 
> the job to use it.  I haven't used the xvfb plugin, but there are many 
> others who have used it with good results.
> Mark Waite
> On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 7:33 AM Kirshan Luhana < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I got solution 
>> First I designed on job and run shell commands 
>> whoami
>> printenv
>> Result: 
>> anonymous 
>> printenv result did now show Display =:0 
>> Then I export DISPAY =:0 from terminal (master user) 
>> and then restart Jenkins with (master user) 
>> it worked :)
>> On Sunday, 6 September 2015 13:29:51 UTC+2, Kirshan Luhana wrote:
>>> Thanks, I already checked. 
>>> Actually I am new to Jenkins, did not understand VNC server stuff and I 
>>> have very fresh linux OS with only jenkins installed (Latest) and then I 
>>> tried to run emulator and it fails.
>>> On Sunday, 6 September 2015 13:20:25 UTC+2, Victor Martinez wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>  There is already a closed jira ticket about that issue:
>>>>   -
>>>>  It might be related, otherwise can you please raise a ticket and 
>>>> explain your current setup (jenkins version, java version, plugin list and 
>>>> their versions and your job setup?)
>>>> Thanks
>>>> On Sunday, 6 September 2015 01:06:17 UTC+2, Kirshan Luhana wrote:
>>>>> But when I run this on command line it working fine.
>>>>> Started by user anonymous <http://localhost:8080/user/null>
>>>>> Building in workspace /home/jenkins/workspace/emulatorTest
>>>>> $ /home/jenkins/tools/android-sdk/tools/android list target
>>>>> [android] Using Android SDK: /home/jenkins/tools/android-sdk
>>>>> [android] Creating Android AVD: 
>>>>> /home/jenkins/workspace/emulatorTest/.android/avd/hudson_en-US_640_WXGA720_android-23_tdsltest1.avd
>>>>> [android] /home/jenkins/tools/android-sdk/tools/android create avd -f -a 
>>>>> -s WXGA720 -n hudson_en-US_640_WXGA720_android-23_tdsltest1 -t android-23
>>>>> $ /home/jenkins/tools/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb start-server
>>>>> * daemon not running. starting it now on port 8297 *
>>>>> * daemon started successfully *
>>>>> $ /home/jenkins/tools/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb start-server
>>>>> $ /home/jenkins/tools/android-sdk/tools/emulator -snapshot-list 
>>>>> -no-window -avd hudson_en-US_640_WXGA720_android-23_tdsltest1
>>>>> [android] Starting Android emulator and creating initial snapshot
>>>>> $ /home/jenkins/tools/android-sdk/tools/emulator -ports 8295,8296 -prop 
>>>>> persist.sys.language=en -prop -avd 
>>>>> hudson_en-US_640_WXGA720_android-23_tdsltest1 -no-snapshot-load 
>>>>> -no-snapshot-save -wipe-data
>>>>> SDL init failure, reason is: No available video device
>>>>> [android] Emulator did not appear to start; giving up
>>>>> $ /home/jenkins/tools/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb disconnect 
>>>>> localhost:8296
>>>>> [android] Stopping Android emulator
>>>>> $ /home/jenkins/tools/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb kill-server
>>>>> Finished: NOT_BUILT
>>>>> On Saturday, 5 September 2015 04:39:42 UTC+2, Kirshan Luhana wrote:
>>>>>> Please solve this bug 
>>>>>> I installed fresh copy of linux mint , jenkins and Android  emulator 
>>>>>> plugin and when trying to run emulator , I am getting error 
>>>>>> *SDL init failure, reason is: No available video device*
>>>>>> I alrady googled a lot , and installed sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-sdl
>>>>>> but no good solution.
>>>>>> I have HP envy Laptop and in bios visualization on. 
>>>>>> -- 
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