There are the extension points that would allow you to write a plugin to do
just that.

Easiest way to start would be to depend on the disk usage plugin and then
implement a QueueTaskDispatcher. If you want a per-project limit you would
also want to implement a JobProperty to hold the per-project limit.

The QueueTaskDispatcher just needs to for a
the project and return a Cause of blockage when greater than the
limit or a per-project limit if the project has a per-project limit job

It would make a nice plugin to try if you wanted to try your hand at
writing plugins

On 9 September 2013 10:48, Steffen Breitbach <>wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> Is there a way to limit the size a project (or all projects) may use on
> the file system?
> Let's say I could limit the disk space (for all builds) to 2 GB. If the
> project has reached its limit it won't build any more until an older
> build has been deleted (or something like that).
> Thanks in advance
> Regards
>   Steffen
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