
just checking: I sent you the build.xml and a logfile last week. Did you
have a chance to look into it yet?

Anything else I could do? Open a bug report, maybe?


On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 9:47 PM, Kohsuke Kawaguchi <k...@kohsuke.org> wrote:

> It should be able to, actually. Any chance you can send me that log file
> and build.xml?
> Also, give us the whole stack trace for that error, not just the error
> message, please.
> 2013/6/17 Dirk Haun <68k...@gmail.com>
>> Thanks for making me check the logfile :)
>> Indeed, it's not empty but contains the output in EBCDIC. I guess Jenkins
>> simply couldn't display that in the browser?
>> From the looks of it, we can now run commands (without having to
>> translate them to EBCDIC manually), but we seem to have a problem with SVN
>> authentication:
>> Checking out svn://<our-svn-server>/cpmffmeta/trunk
>> ERROR: Subversion checkout has been canceled
>> hudson.util.IOException2: remote file operation failed:
>> /.../jenkins/workspace/zpdtCommandTest at hudson.remoting.Channel@5d0a3a93
>> :sva-zpdt-emul
>> ...
>> Caused by: org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: No credential
>> to try. Authentication failed
>> We'll investigate some more ...
>> On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Kohsuke Kawaguchi <k...@kohsuke.org>wrote:
>>> Thanks for helping us troubleshoot this.
>>> If you look at the log file inside $JENKINS_HOME, is it really empty? It
>>> should contain console log in EBCDIC, then you should see
>>> <charset>CP037</charset> (or something like that) in build.xml.
>>> 2013/6/13 Dirk Haun <68k...@gmail.com>
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> The good news: We can now connect the slave without having to set the
>>>> file.encoding.
>>>> The bad news: Our jobs don't produce any console output any more.
>>>> Neither a simple "set" command nor attempting to check out from SVN (which
>>>> worked before) leave anything in the console - it's simply empty.
>>>> Any ideas?
>>>> On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Kohsuke Kawaguchi <k...@kohsuke.org>wrote:
>>>>> No, it's not. I created
>>>>> https://ci.jenkins-ci.org/job/remoting/lastBuild/
>>>>> 2013/6/13 Dirk Haun <68k...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> Kohsuke,
>>>>>> thanks for trying to fix it. But I'm afraid there's no difference -
>>>>>> it still can only connect when we set the file.encoding to ISO8859.
>>>>>> I took the remoting-1.42-SNAPSHOT.jar from here:
>>>>>> https://ci.jenkins-ci.org/view/All/job/jenkins_main_trunk/2599/
>>>>>> Was that even the correct file? But I didn't see any other version
>>>>>> anywhere.
>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Kohsuke Kawaguchi 
>>>>>> <k...@kohsuke.org>wrote:
>>>>>>> I claim f8916a839c5a7bfe6d0de100a33cf23de33de6e4 in the remoting
>>>>>>> fixes that. Any chance you can try a new remoting jar to see if you can
>>>>>>> connect via JNLP without overriding the encoding?
>>>>>>>  There's a corresponding change in the server for a proper fix, but
>>>>>>> you wouldn't need that since your master runs in an ASCII-compatible
>>>>>>> encoding.
>>>>>>> 2013/6/12 Kohsuke Kawaguchi <k...@kohsuke.org>
>>>>>>>> XML without prolog is parsed as UTF-8, so I think that part is OK.
>>>>>>>> I'm spotting a few places in JNLP handshaking that relies on
>>>>>>>> ASCII-compatible encoding, so I wonder if that's causing it. In any 
>>>>>>>> case, I
>>>>>>>> think we need more detailed error messages.
>>>>>>>> Another thing I spotted is the BASIC auth header. How is the
>>>>>>>> username and password supposed to be encoded?
>>>>>>>> 2013/6/12 James Nord (jnord) <jn...@cisco.com>
>>>>>>>>   Looks like jenkins serves up its JNLP pages without an XML
>>>>>>>>> prolog (the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> bit)…****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> If you save the file and add an XML prolog for UTF-8 and run from
>>>>>>>>> that without setting the encoding – does that work?****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> /James****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> *From:* jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:
>>>>>>>>> jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Dirk Haun
>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* 12 June 2013 15:03
>>>>>>>>> *To:* jenkinsci-users
>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: Jenkins vs. EBCDIC****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> Ah, the default encoding. It seems we *have* to set it to
>>>>>>>>> something other than EBCDIC so we can even get a connection to our 
>>>>>>>>> master.
>>>>>>>>> ****
>>>>>>>>> The slave is connected via Java Web Start and started like so:
>>>>>>>>> java -Dfile.encoding=ISO8859_1 -jar slave.jar -text -jnlpUrl
>>>>>>>>> http://<ip-of-master>/computer/sva-zpdt-emul/slave-agent.jnlp-auth 
>>>>>>>>> <username>:<password>
>>>>>>>>> ****
>>>>>>>>> Without the -Dfile.encoding (or setting it to EBCDIC), the slave
>>>>>>>>> can not get a connection to the master.****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> Connecting via ssh is not an option, as it's not available on the
>>>>>>>>> emulator.****
>>>>>>>>> Any suggestions?****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Kohsuke Kawaguchi <
>>>>>>>>> k...@kohsuke.org> wrote:****
>>>>>>>>> This should work out of the box, because we take the encoding of
>>>>>>>>> the slave into account for obvious reasons.****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> the "Execute Shell" feature uses the CommandInterpreter class,
>>>>>>>>> which uses the FilePath.createTextTempFile method to create a shell 
>>>>>>>>> script.
>>>>>>>>> This file takes contents as String, then uses the encoding of the 
>>>>>>>>> slave
>>>>>>>>> when it does "new FileWriter(f)". So it should write the shell script 
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>> EBCDIC.****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> Does your slave JVM have a proper default encoding configured?****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> 2013/6/12 Dirk Haun <68k...@gmail.com>****
>>>>>>>>> We're trying to use Jenkins to build our software on OS/390 (using
>>>>>>>>> the Hercules emulator, not real hardware, but still). This OS uses 
>>>>>>>>> EBCDIC
>>>>>>>>> as its native character set, not ASCII. We've successfully managed to 
>>>>>>>>> check
>>>>>>>>> out from our SVN repository (yay!), but now we would need to run 
>>>>>>>>> commands
>>>>>>>>> to build the software. And this is where we run into problems ...*
>>>>>>>>> ***
>>>>>>>>> The problem is that commands that we type into the text field of
>>>>>>>>> the "Execute shell" build step need to be translated from ASCII to 
>>>>>>>>> EBCDIC
>>>>>>>>> when run on the OS/390 side. We confirmed that this is the problem by
>>>>>>>>> manually translating a simple command to EBCDIC and typing those 
>>>>>>>>> characters
>>>>>>>>> into the text input field - the command was then executed.****
>>>>>>>>> However, a lot of EBCDIC characters have non-printable ASCII
>>>>>>>>> equivalents, so this is not an option in practice (besides it being a 
>>>>>>>>> pain
>>>>>>>>> in the back to maintain).****
>>>>>>>>> Is there any any plugin that can handle this situation?****
>>>>>>>>> Alternatively, is there a plugin that would simply let us run a
>>>>>>>>> script that's already on the OS/390 side? Please note that again, 
>>>>>>>>> there's
>>>>>>>>> the problem of character set translation - this time with the file 
>>>>>>>>> name;
>>>>>>>>> but since the SVN plugin does work as expected, maybe some part of 
>>>>>>>>> Jenkins
>>>>>>>>> is already doing the right thing.****
>>>>>>>>> We're stuck at this point, so any help is appreciated. Thank you.*
>>>>>>>>> ***
>>>>>>>>> bye, Dirk****
>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>> ****
>>>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Kohsuke Kawaguchi ****
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>>>>>>>> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
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>>>>> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
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>>> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
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> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
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