I would guess we would likely want/need both, unless there is a way to tell
Maven to "deploy" snapshot or release artifacts only to the local
repository.  If it is possible, I don't know how to do that.

On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Jeremy Jongsma <jer...@barchart.com>wrote:

> I assume he is referring to Git repositories, not Maven repositories, for
> hosting a set of mock projects with inter-dependencies that are
> representative of our use cases.
> Andrei, if you have a repository available, please grant me access and
> I'll be happy to contribute a use case example.
> -j
> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 10:54 AM, Stephen Connolly <
> stephen.alan.conno...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> https://docs.sonatype.org/display/Repository/Sonatype+OSS+Maven+Repository+Usage+Guide
>> Please don't host your own maven repositories on an SCM
>> On 28 February 2013 16:50, Jeff <predato...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Does github have a maven repository?
>>> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 7:17 AM, Andrei Pozolotin <
>>> andrei.pozolo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> *Jeff, Keith, Jeremy:*
>>>> so it seems we have few different use cases in mind between us.
>>>> it would probably help if we create 2-3 mock repositories on github
>>>> to emulate our most interesting use cases.
>>>> what do you think?
>>>> Andrei.
>>>> On Tuesday, February 26, 2013 12:06:16 AM UTC-6, Andrei Pozolotin wrote:
>>>>>                    Hello, there!
>>>>> I am curious : "How to better manage cascading releases"
>>>>> for the following use case and what you think about possible solution:
>>>>> ##############################**###
>>>>>  Releasing core bundles and dependent bundles
>>>>> Changing the API of a core bundle for an application requires a
>>>>> rebuild of everything down the line in order to use the new feature. For
>>>>> projects with large numbers of modules (platform, news) this is a very
>>>>> lengthy process of splitting the bundles into dependency phases, then for
>>>>> each phase, releasing a new version of each bundle, updating the next
>>>>> phase's bundles with the newly released versions, and then releasing next
>>>>> phase's bundles, etc, etc. This can be a multiple hour process with
>>>>> Jenkins, compounded by the fact that you can only release one sub-project
>>>>> at a time in a Git repository to avoid push conflicts causing the build to
>>>>> fail. This process occurs much more frequently than I would have 
>>>>> originally
>>>>> assumed. Right now I have a bash script that attempts to automate this for
>>>>> news with a combination of the maven release and version plugins, but a
>>>>> better generic solution would be very welcome.
>>>>> *Proposal: Modify Jenkins maven release plugin with the following
>>>>> behavior:*
>>>>>    1.
>>>>>    Add a "Cascade release dependent projects" checkbox on release page
>>>>>     2.
>>>>>    After the release completes, look for jobs that are explicitly
>>>>>    dependent on the pre-release snapshot version
>>>>>     3.
>>>>>    Update these dependent modules with the newly release version, and
>>>>>    trigger a Maven release on them as well
>>>>>     4.
>>>>>    Failing releases should be skipped, and then trigger a build
>>>>>    failure at the very end, with clearly noted messages as to which 
>>>>> sub-tree
>>>>>    failed so the user can check the logs and manually cascade release the
>>>>>    subtree
>>>>> Step c) would need some cycle detection to support scenarios where B
>>>>> and C depend on A, but C also depends on B - both A and B would have to be
>>>>> released before C could be released.
>>>>> ##############################**###
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Andrei
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