It's not a direct solution or answer to what's going on, but what about 
having one job per task instead of only one parameterized job ?
To achieve this you can use the Job Generator plugin  where your 
parameterized job becomes a Job Generator with a Generator Paremeter which 
is the name of the machine (you can use a Choice Generator Parameters). 
Then run this job with a parameter value and you'll get a ready to use 
stand alone job preconfigured.

You can even have a pipeline approach by having 2 Jobs Generator: one 
generator which calls the task generator with every input parameter 
automatically. This is exactly what you have, the diiference is that your 
current Free-Style jobs become Job Generator job and when executed you end 
up with stand alone pre-configured jobs with their own history, trends 

You can find additional information and an example on the wiki page:


Le vendredi 18 janvier 2013 11:34:56 UTC-5, Mandeville, Rob a écrit :
>  I need to rebuild databases on my build servers on a regular basis.  In 
> order to do this, I have a regularly scheduled job on each machine, 
> something like “Service build1”, “Service build2”, and the like.  They all 
> call one job, “Rebuild databases on build server”, with the hostname as an 
> argument.
> The service jobs for build5 and build15 both launch at the same time, 
> which shouldn’t be a problem as they’re running on different machines.  In 
> this case, it’s “Service build5” #1 and “Service build15” #22.
> On the “Service build15” job, it says that it’s launching “Rebuild 
> databases on build server” # 440.  On the “Service build5” job, it says 
> that it’s launching “Rebuild databases on build server” #441.  So far, so 
> good.
> Job #441 ran against build5 successfully, and reports that it was launched 
> by “Service Build5” #1 as expected.  But #440 _*also*_ runs against 
> build5 (and has “build5”, not “build15”, as its argument).  It claims to be 
> started by upstream project “Service build15” #22 _*and*_ it claims to be 
> started by upstream project “Service build5” #1.
> Is there some sort of problem involving launching two runs of the same job 
> in the same second?  Should it even be possible for two upstream jobs to be 
> responsible for launching a downstream one?
> Thanks in advance,
> --Rob
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