Hi All Scenario: We have 2 Jenkins installed on host A and host B. Host B is also configured as a slave of host A Host B has jobs in its own Jenkins workspace because it has it's own Jenkins server running. eg /scratch/nimo/.hudson/ Host A connects to host B with a different path: eg /scratch/hudson/slave Host A has a job X Host B has a job Y Host A's job X workspace is soft-linked to Host B's job Y workspace Host B's job Y has junit report directory in its workspace Job Y is not configured to use post-task plugin "Publish JUnit test result report". Host A's job X, its configuration uses the post-task plugin "Publish JUnit test result report". We ran our Job X and were able to produce the junit result xml file in Job Y's workspace.
Issue: Job Y's junitResult.xml is not found in Job Y's build number subdirectory Job X's junitResult.xml is found in Host A but it doesnt have the test results of Host B's run. Goal: How do we get job Y's test result to show up in Host A's job X so that we could see the graphs of junit test cases for all the builds run ? Thanks All in advance.