Hi Markus,

thanks for debugging. can you please create a new bug report for problem 1) I 
think I need to avoid that exception so that it is clear why the source could 
not be written… 

Am 28.12.2012 um 12:24 schrieb Markus Schneider <markus.schnei...@jemm.de>:

> Hi Ulli,
> I have done some debugging and solved my issues:
> 1) Empty tmp source file, without any log statement why it is emtpy.
> Reason: In my setups the default encoding was not set.  This caused an 
> exception in the class HealthAwareRecorder.java in 
> private void print(final FileOutputStream outputStream, final String message,
>             final Object... arguments) throws IOException {
>         IOUtils.write(String.format(message, arguments), outputStream, 
> getDefaultEncoding());
>     }
> The default encoding was an empty string and therefore the write function 
> threw the IOException "Unknown Encoding".
> This resulted in jumping out of the logging function to print the statement, 
> that the path to the source file is wrong.
> Fixed by setting the Default Encoding in the configuration setting to "UTF-8"
> 2) Relative Path not expanded
> Fixed by setting the corresponding configuration option in the extended 
> section.  Stupid me, not seeing it before.
> Thanks,
> Markus   
> Am 27.12.2012 um 16:07 schrieb Markus Schneider <markus.schnei...@jemm.de>:
>> Hi Ulli,
>> i have changed the path to the file in the warning.
>> It looks now like this:  "src\test.c", line 199: warning #550-D: variable 
>> "test" was set but never used
>> However, the path is not expanded.
>> Any other suggestions, what I can try?
>> Thanks,
>> Markus
>> Am 15.12.2012 um 22:10 schrieb Markus Schneider <markus.schnei...@jemm.de>:
>>> Hi,
>>> Actually this what I have done in the regex. 
>>> As you can see below, the groovy output has removed the relative path 
>>> section. 
>>> However, there is no concatenation with the workspace path:
>>>> C:\programme\Jenkins\test-ci\workspace
>>> Can I do some debugging? Which class is appending the complete path?
>>> Markus
>>> Am 15.12.2012 um 13:22 schrieb Ulli Hafner <ullrich.haf...@gmail.com>:
>>>> I see, that can't work. 
>>>> Where is the src folder located? 
>>>> C:\programme\Jenkins\test-ci\workspace\src?
>>>> My plug-in concatenates the workspace path and the found path in the 
>>>> warning, which results in your case to 
>>>> C:\programme\Jenkins\test-ci\workspace\..\..\..\src\test.c
>>>> A simple solution would be to strip off the relative path section in your 
>>>> groovy parser so that the concatenation works.
>>>> Ulli
>>>> Am 15.12.2012 um 11:37 schrieb Markus Schneider <markus.schnei...@jemm.de>:
>>>>> Hi Ulli,
>>>>> thanks for your help. Here is some more information:
>>>>> Jenkins: V1.493
>>>>> Warnings-Plugin: V4.18
>>>>> Static Analysis Utilities: V1.48
>>>>> OS: Windows XP
>>>>> Workspace Path: C:\programme\Jenkins\test-ci\workspace
>>>>> Example Warning:   "..\..\..\src\test.c", line 199: warning #550-D: 
>>>>> variable "test" was set but never used
>>>>> Parsed result  in parser configuration page is:
>>>>> file name: src\test.c
>>>>> line number: 199
>>>>> category: #550-D
>>>>> Project configuration uses "Scan workspace files"  with pattern **/*.log 
>>>>> From warnings.xml:
>>>>> <fileName>src/test.c</fileName>
>>>>> <pathName>src</pathName>
>>>>> -> path is not expanded in xml
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Markus 
>> --
>> Markus Schneider
>> markus.schnei...@jemm.de
> --
> Markus Schneider
> markus.schnei...@jemm.de

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