It may not fit your exact needs, but I configured Jenkins such that all
child-jobs spawned/started by a given "parent-Job" can:

1. Run on any slave
2. Use the same "Custom Workspace" as set in the "parent-Job"  (has to be
on a shared-drive that is accessible to the slaves)
3. Each "child-job" sends a report.
4. The "parent-job" also sends a final report once all "child-jobs" are

I used the Multi-Job plugin, Node Labeling to group the slaves for specific
Jobs, a some changes in the Jenkins core to create a new Checkbox next to
the "Custom Workspace" field in the "Jobs" configuration (Advanced section).

I can provide you with more details and the diff patches if this may work
for you.

Kind Regards,

On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 4:44 PM, Jason Swager <> wrote:

> o slaves isn't feasi

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