Following up to make note of how I finally solved this. I don't recall the
precise details, but I was specifying the following in the wrong place:

For the Ubuntu/Debian native package, the place I needed to specify it was
in the JAVA_ARGS line in the file /etc/default/jenkins.

Previously, I was using the Jenkins WAR in Tomcat 7. Passing system
properties to a webapp--yeah, I realize, pretty basic stuff...

On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 8:23 PM, Mitch Gitman <> wrote:

> I'm bumping up this old thread because I encountered precisely the same
> problem John Cary did and I wanted to add a few data points.
> John was seeing this with Jenkins 1.478. I'm seeing it with the latest
> Jenkins, 1.492 as of this writing, which comes with version 1.39 of the
> Subversion plugin and which can be upgraded to 1.43. I verified that the
> problem arose with both 1.39 and 1.43 of the Subversion plugin.
> Like John, I tried the -Dsvnkit.http.sslProtocols=SSLv3 system property to
> no avail.
> Ultimately, the workaround that worked for me was to install an older
> version of Jenkins, 1.464, which was released back in May. This comes with
> version 1.34 of the Subversion plugin. (I recognize the apparent reality
> that Jenkins doesn't let you upgrade or downgrade a plugin to an arbitrary
> version, for what I can imagine are understandable reasons.)
> I still want to try modifying the Subversion server configuration to use
> the following:
> SSLProtocol -all +SSLv3 +TLSv1
> I don't maintain the Subversion host, though, so I don't know if that's an
> option for me. The Subversion server I'm consuming is version 1.6.5.
> I welcome any further insights. As far as I can tell, this is a bug that
> was introduced recently in the SVNKit Subversion client, which the plugin
> uses.
> On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 5:53 PM, John R. Cary <> wrote:
>> Answering my own question:
>> I could not get jenkins to use sslv3, but by modifying my
>> server to also allow tlsv1 on the SSLProtocol definition, I
>> got the Jenkins subversion plugin to work.  The magic line
>> appears to be
>>       SSLProtocol -all +SSLv3 +TLSv1
>> John Cary
>> On 9/6/12 11:57 AM, John R. Cary wrote:
>>> I have been trying to get jenkins (v1.478) to svn checkout
>>> my repos.  I keep getting the error
>>> org.tmatesoft.svn.core.**SVNErrorMessage: svn: OPTIONS ...
>>> ...
>>> bad_record_mac
>>> Intensive searching has not found the answer to this
>>> problem.  From 
>>> I tried
>>> JENKINS_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djava.**awt.headless=true
>>> -Dsvnkit.http.sslProtocols=**SSLv3"
>>> to no avail.
>>> If anyone has any hints on how to fix this problem, I would
>>> be most grateful, but in the absence of that...
>>> The last time I had this working was with the svn plugin
>>> 1.34, so I would like to try downgrading to that, but
>>> the jenkins GUI does not appear to give me that option.
>>> The plugin manager gives me the update to 1.42 or the
>>> downgrade to 1.39.
>>> Is there a way to downgrade the subversion server
>>> to version 1.42 in jenkins 1.478?
>>> Thx.....John Cary

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