I'm bumping up this old thread because I encountered precisely the same
problem John Cary did and I wanted to add a few data points.

John was seeing this with Jenkins 1.478. I'm seeing it with the latest
Jenkins, 1.492 as of this writing, which comes with version 1.39 of the
Subversion plugin and which can be upgraded to 1.43. I verified that the
problem arose with both 1.39 and 1.43 of the Subversion plugin.

Like John, I tried the -Dsvnkit.http.sslProtocols=SSLv3 system property to
no avail.

Ultimately, the workaround that worked for me was to install an older
version of Jenkins, 1.464, which was released back in May. This comes with
version 1.34 of the Subversion plugin. (I recognize the apparent reality
that Jenkins doesn't let you upgrade or downgrade a plugin to an arbitrary
version, for what I can imagine are understandable reasons.)

I still want to try modifying the Subversion server configuration to use
the following:

SSLProtocol -all +SSLv3 +TLSv1

I don't maintain the Subversion host, though, so I don't know if that's an
option for me. The Subversion server I'm consuming is version 1.6.5.

I welcome any further insights. As far as I can tell, this is a bug that
was introduced recently in the SVNKit Subversion client, which the plugin

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 5:53 PM, John R. Cary <c...@txcorp.com> wrote:

> Answering my own question:
> I could not get jenkins to use sslv3, but by modifying my
> server to also allow tlsv1 on the SSLProtocol definition, I
> got the Jenkins subversion plugin to work.  The magic line
> appears to be
>       SSLProtocol -all +SSLv3 +TLSv1
> John Cary
> On 9/6/12 11:57 AM, John R. Cary wrote:
>> I have been trying to get jenkins (v1.478) to svn checkout
>> my repos.  I keep getting the error
>> org.tmatesoft.svn.core.**SVNErrorMessage: svn: OPTIONS ...
>> ...
>> bad_record_mac
>> Intensive searching has not found the answer to this
>> problem.  From 
>> http://issues.tmatesoft.com/**issue/SVNKIT-176<http://issues.tmatesoft.com/issue/SVNKIT-176>
>> I tried
>> JENKINS_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djava.**awt.headless=true
>> -Dsvnkit.http.sslProtocols=**SSLv3"
>> to no avail.
>> If anyone has any hints on how to fix this problem, I would
>> be most grateful, but in the absence of that...
>> The last time I had this working was with the svn plugin
>> 1.34, so I would like to try downgrading to that, but
>> the jenkins GUI does not appear to give me that option.
>> The plugin manager gives me the update to 1.42 or the
>> downgrade to 1.39.
>> Is there a way to downgrade the subversion server
>> to version 1.42 in jenkins 1.478?
>> Thx.....John Cary

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