The posting of jenkins build numbers back to jira tickets is not working 
for us.  I've recently inherited jenkins maintenance and need to get this 
feature working. 
We have the jenkins jira plugin 1.35, the jenkins jira Issue updater 1.3 
and the perforce plugin 1.3.17 installed.  From what i've read, the plugin 
should post the jenkins build number back to the jira ticket.  
I installed the p4dtg perforce plugin and the perforce jira plugin so that 
developers can link their change sets to a perforce job, the job numbers 
are synced to jira ticket numbers, and all submit comments are posted to 
the associated jira ticket.  However, the perforce plugin posts the change 
set numbers on the jira comment but does not include the job/jira ticket 
number unless the submitter types it into thier comments.  I understand how 
perforce would know which jira number to post the changeset to because 
p4dtg plugin syncs perforce job numbers to be the same as the jira ticket 
number. A developer will log into jira when they are ready for their code 
to be reviewed.  They select the changeset on the jira ticket and push it 
for code review to fisheye/crucible.  The change set posted to fisheye will 
only show the hyperlink back to the associated jira ticket if the developer 
mentioned the job/ticket number with thier submit comment.  Otherwise it 
only shows the changeset number.  The same change set information can be 
found on jenkins changes section (with a hyperlink to jira ONLY if the 
developer mentioned a jira ticket with thier submit comments). 
I don't understand how jenkins would even know which jira ticket to post 
the changeset to, especially if a jira ticket wasn't mentioned with the 
submit comments.  I'm wondering if I need to configure p4dtg plugin 
differently so that it posts job/jira numbers a certain way or modify one 
of the jenkins plugins in order to get the build numbers posted back to 
jira tickets?  
Below are two of my test submits listed in jenkins; one where i included a 
job number in my submit comments (TBC-130) and one where I did not.  Each 
show the build numbers (#143 and #142) and the associated change sets 
(10373 and 10374), but the build numbers are never posted back to it's 
associated jira ticket (TBC-130).
*#143 (Dec 10, 2012 3:49:43 PM)*
*Summary of Changes*
* 10374* by *apena@workspace* on Dec 10, 2012 3:36:15 PM*TBC-130*, test 
*#142 (Dec 10, 2012 3:30:29 PM)*
*Summary of Changes*
* 10373* by *apena@workspace* on Dec 10, 2012 3:26:02 PM

Testing after project links have been recreated      

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