Hi James,

we have no slave, only one master (just started with jenkins).

I will copy the configuration and debug output next week, when i'm in

Am 19.09.2012 19:50 schrieb "Nord, James" <jn...@nds.com>:

>  Hi Erik,
> Does the slave machine have MAVEN_HOME set in is environment (either in
> the OS or on the Jenkins slave properties)?
> Any chance of a log output of a release build with debug logging ( add the
> “-X” flag on the release goals ), and a copy of the maven-release-plugin
> configuration you are using.
> /James
> *From:* jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:
> jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *erik petzold
> *Sent:* 19 September 2012 15:02
> *To:* jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: Problem with MAVEN_HOME in a build
> Hi,
> we have the maven version set in jenkins main config (only maven 2.2.1,
> nothing else).
> We only use maven2 jobs in jenkins and it is the m2-release-plugin (I
> didnt even know theres another release plugin).
> When we started with jenkins, the maven version on this machine was older,
> so someone installed 2.2.1 (we needed this for a maven plugin, cant
> remember which one). All jobs in jenkins use this version. But the older
> one is still there, so when calling maven in a job we always provide the
> -gs flag with the correct global settings.xml. I did this also in the
> configuration for the release-plugin in the configuration of the job. Maybe
> it has to do something with this?
> Erik
> Am 19.09.2012 14:40 schrieb "mpapo - Michaël Pailloncy" <
> mpapo....@gmail.com>:
> Hi James,
> In my case, the problem occurs even if we set a specific version of Maven
> in build and release configuration. We have 2 Maven versions configured in
> Jenkins configuration (Maven 2.2.1 and 3.0.3).
> I guess my configuration is very specific : the problem occurs with a *Maven
> type jobs* with *Release Plugin* and not the normal M2Release Plugin for
> this type of jobs.
> @Erik : do you have the same configuration ?
> We have not detected the problem with Freestyle job type and Release
> Plugin.
> Michaël
> Le mercredi 19 septembre 2012 14:43:21 UTC+2, teilo a écrit :
> Hi Erik,
> I personally wouldn’t recommend putting MAVEN_HOME in a profile, rather it
> is better to let Jenkins managed this by specifying the version of maven to
> use.
> You can configure this in the Jenkins main config (and then override per
> slave if needs be.)
> See
> http://my.safaribooksonline.com/book/software-engineering-and-development/ide/9781449311155/configuring-your-jenkins-server/sect-configuration-build-toolsfor
>  more details.
> BTW – is this with the “m2release plugin” on a maven type job or with the
> “release plugin” on a freestyle job?
> /James
> *From:* jenkins...@googlegroups.com [mailto:jenkins...@googlegroups.com] *On
> Behalf Of *Erik
> *Sent:* 17 September 2012 08:44
> *To:* jenkins...@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: Problem with MAVEN_HOME in a build
> I get the same exception in Jenkins v. 1.477 and maven 2.2.1
> Everything works fine, except for the release. There I get this exception.
> [INFO] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
> org/codehaus/classworlds/Launcher
> [INFO] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
> org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher
> Thanks,
> Erik
> Am Donnerstag, 6. September 2012 19:14:13 UTC+2 schrieb mpapo - Michaël
> Pailloncy:
> Hi,
> We faced in a problem with Maven during a release build. The job is
> configured with the Release Plugin.
> MAVEN_HOME variable is correctly set during the first build (and any
> 'normals' builds), but when we launch a release and the build arrive to
> the command 'mvn .. release:clean release:prepare release:perform' to
> launch the Maven3 release, it seems that the MAVEN_HOME variable is not set
> correctly and the build crashs with this error :
> class not found:  org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher  -  
> org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher
> We have also Maven2.2.1 and Maven3.0.3 installed on the master (AIX) which
> build this job.
> In .profile file, M2_HOME is by default set to Maven2.2.1.
> The problem is appeared since we have updated Jenkins with version 1.478.
> The same job worked correctly before the update (last release has been
> built just before our update of Jenkins and the mvn command worked
> correctly).
> Is this a bug ? Does I create a ticket in Jira ?
> Thanks in advance from any help !
> Michaël
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