- generate ssh keys for jenkins
- copy it to all slave, and to master too
- log in to scm server via ssh as jenkins user on slaves to accept server
- add user to scm with this key and with desired rights
- configure master

Garami Gábor
Skype: hron84
Tel: +36 20 235 9621

Sent from my T-Mobile G2
Ezt a levelet telefonról adták fel, ékezethibákat tartalmazhat.
2012.09.10. 7:07, "Varghese Renny" <varghesekre...@gmail.com> ezt írta:

> Hi,
>     My repostories are all on client side. I am using linux system. I want
> to connect to remote repo. and needed to poll that repo..How can i done
> this?..Always ssh to remote repo..Please suggest me a way..I don't know
> exactly what to do?
> Regards,
> varghese

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