On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 9:22 AM, Janne Liuhtonen
<janne.liuhto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Deploying using Maven with
> deploy:deploy-file -target works fine, but is cumbersome and it's
> tedious to figure out version data from pom.xml and so on, so I'd
> prefer to use the Deploy Artifacts action.

We use Artifactory, but we also use the Promote Build to deploy to our
repository. However, we use the deploy:deploy-file goal. You can give
it the pom.xml file as an argument.

mvn deploy:deploy-file  \
    -Dfile=$deployFile \
    -DpomFile=$pomFile \
    -Durl=$url \

The above uses the pom for all of its information including the
version information. You can override this on the command line:

mvn deploy:deploy-file  \
    -Dversion=2.1.1 \
    -Dfile=$deployFile \
    -DpomFile=$pomFile \
    -Durl=$url \

This way, I can have the promotion plugin override the version setting
if I want.

David Weintraub

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