Hi, I'm using Promoted Builds Plugin with Copy Artifacts plugin and "Deploy Artifacts to Maven repository" and I'm trying to create a promotion that would copy the artifact from the build to a special snapshot repository (e.g. for QA purposes) when the build is manually promoted. The deployment itself works just fine, but Nexus' metadata in the repository seems to break and the Nexus API does not return any artifacts until I manually rebuild the repository metadata from the Nexus web UI.
Any ideas what could be wrong? Deploying using Maven with deploy:deploy-file -target works fine, but is cumbersome and it's tedious to figure out version data from pom.xml and so on, so I'd prefer to use the Deploy Artifacts action. I'm using Nexus OSS v., Jenkins v. 1.478 and Promoted Builds plugin 2.6.2. Janne