You can trigger/start a build of job bar in a promotion process in foo
(see "Actions" section of the promotion configure, you may need other
plugins though). In job bar you can define an automatic promotion
process which "Promote immediately once the build is complete".
You mention the promotion in foo causes "build #12 of bar", I guess what
you mean is "a new build" in bar instead. Because the build number is
generated by jenkins automatically.
On 09.04.2012 23:12, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
I am using the Promoted Builds Plugin to manually promote some of my
builds of a project called foo. Everytime foo builds though it builds a
downstream job called bar.
Is there any way I can make the Promoted Builds Plugin also promote the
particular downstream bar that the foo that I'm promoting built?
So that is if I chose to promote build #32 of foo and build #32 of foo
caused build #12 of bar to build, also (automatically) promote build #12
of bar.