I'm trying to run a TestNG suite. This is not a daemon job. But the Jenkins thinks it is, and shuts it down....
1. I'm running a job on a Windows 7 slave. 2. I execute a windows batch command: java -DTestSuite="My Regression Test" -cp test.jar org.testng.TestNG -d "testng-results" MyTest.xml 3. After about 9 minutes, Jenkins stops the execution of the TestNG test with: Process leaked file descriptors. See http://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Spawning+processes+from+build for more information So, as I understand, this can happen if you spawn a process, but thats not what I'm doing here. I'm running a TestNG test that continuously talks on STDOUT to Jenkins. But maybe TestNG is forking something?? I tired also to run the tests using ant, but I got the same failure: Process leaked file descriptors. See http://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Spawning+processes+from+build for more information One odd thing, I changed the log level (from the Manage Jenkins -> System Log -> Log Levels) from OFF to ALL. This made the TestNG to successfully run all tests!! I tried again, and when running for 20 minutes, I changed the logging back to OFF, and just after a minute or so, the test stopped: Process leaked file descriptors. See http://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Spawning+processes+from+build for more information What to do?