On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Suri <suresh1256...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> Is it possible to connect Windows slave using ftp/ssh from Master.
> Our Jenkins service is running in Linux. We have lot of windows based
> compilations.
> Currently we are running slave.jar in slave machine (Windows).
> The problem is, if someone shutdown the slave system(windows), node
> also getting down.
> Linux related node we don’t have any issues. because we are connecting
> slave agent from master using SSH. So we don’t want to depend on slave
> server.
> The same how we can do in windows?
> By default windows slave agent should run, even though if we shutdown
> the system.

I can't follow you with this one.
If the system which runs your slave is down, how could your slave agent be
Even if you would have ssh/ftp on your windows, how would be that different?
If somebody turns off the windows box, your master won't be able to ssh/ftp
to it, and any estabilished connection will be dropped.

Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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