
thanks for the feedback and the idea. Unfortunately I think, this will not 
work in my setup. I've several builds running in parallel, also I want to 
have the JDKs auto installed by Jenkins.

Kind Regards, Andreas.

Am Montag, 26. März 2012 13:15:33 UTC+2 schrieb Didier Durand:
> Hi,
> To my knowledge Jenkins launches a separate jvm for each step you 
> configure in the "Build" section of your job configuration
> So, I would try to alternate your build steps under Ant with shell build 
> steps and use these shell steps to switch the jvm/jre as you want  (via for 
> example. the linux "alternatives" command)
> regards 
> didier
> Le lundi 26 mars 2012 11:54:15 UTC+2, Andreas a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I face the issue that I have to use different JDKs for different build 
>> steps. Namely I need to invoke the compile step in ant with a 1.5 JDK and 
>> run the sonar ant target with a 1.6 JDK. There is no easy way to split this 
>> job, so a multi job setup is no solution here. Also I do not want to fork 
>> into a different JDK in ant manually - actually only Jenkins knows where 
>> the JDK is installed on the build node. 
>> I face a similar requirement for maven goals. 
>> I'm thinking about extending the ANT plugin to allow JDK selection in the 
>> advanced options and the set JAVA_HOME accordingly. 
>> Is there an easy, already existing solution? Any ideas are welcome.
>> Kind Regards, Andreas.

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