Hi Tim,

this looks familiar in connection with Collabnet ...
But basic steps first. Are you using the a plugin that matches your
CTF version?
Which plugin are you using? I assume Collabnet Plugins 1.1.6.
Which CTF are you running?
Does this error occur permanently?

My suspicion goes for the CTF server itself. I have been experiencing
many partially weird and hard to trace issue with CTF after migrating
and updating data from SourceForge 5.2 to CTF 6.1
Take a look at the server logs from CTF and look for 500 http response
codes - especially for JBoss.

your screenshot looks like you have provided credentials and
connection properties in the project itself, right? Try to place the
basic information into Jenkins' global configuration (Manage Jenkins)

Take care

On 21 Mrz., 05:37, Tim <wutingb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Our project is hosted in a internal team forge. I want to use jenkins
> collabnet plugin auto upload our release into team forge.
> However, I met NPE problem when I configed it in the attachment.
> Could you tell me why it will report npe?
> Great thanks for your help.
> Br,
> Tim
>  Capture.JPG
> 92KAnzeigenHerunterladen

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