Searching through the various files within the jenkins installation, I
can see the references - how bad is it to tinker in this area?

We really need to cut a few accidentally created (bad devs!) threads
that glue a few jobs together....

On Feb 28, 1:34 pm, Maven User <> wrote:
> Is there an easy way to clear what jenkins thinks the up/downstream
> jobs are for any given job?
> We have an issue where we cut a branch but it appears not all poms
> were updated fast enough so that foo and foo-1.0 are both downstream
> of bar-1.0.
> This seems to kick off foo and foo-1.0 builds when bar-1.0 runs.
> Additionally, another scenario where a dependency was severed is still
> listing that dependency as an upstream job (and in this case,
> resulting in a whacky circular build loop).
> Halp!

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