As a result of the success of the Jenkins User Conference last year in
San Francisco [1], this year CloudBees and other sponsors are planning 4
Jenkins User Conferences around the world. Yup, that’s right — four!
Making events like these successful would be a win for everyone, so I’d
like to encourage you to …:
Register to attend
If you are in the greater Paris or NY City metro areas, sign up now! You
will experience lots of great learning opportunities and further your
Jenkins knowledge. And perhaps more importantly, you’ll get the chance
to connect with other Jenkins users and learn about the latest
developments in the Jenkins project. I always love watching the
community interact – we all learn from each other and on so many
occasions, I have seen a Jenkins user have an “Aha!” moment in
conversation with another Jenkins user. There’s something magical about
meeting face-to-facet that you just can’t replace any other way.
Dates for the JUC conferences in the first half of 2012 are:
* Paris — April 17: Early Bird discounted registration (€50) ends
18 February
* New York City — May 17: Early Bird discounted registration ($54)
ends 25 February
* Registration includes all sessions, lunch, a social/networking hour
at the end of the day and a FREE Jenkins t-shirt (a hot commodity at
the JUC last October)
* Two more conferences will be scheduled later in the year in San
Francisco(Sept) and Antwerp (Nov), and there’s a planning going on
for one in Tokyo — stay tuned for dates.
Apply to speak
Share your Jenkins knowledge with the community [3]. The quality of the
speakers was the most highly praised aspect of JUC 2011. If you’ve been
writing plugins, tell the community what those are and meet people who
use your plugins, which is quite a rewarding experience. If you’ve been
using Jenkins in interesting ways, tell the community about it, and
through the feedback you’ll learn just as much as they would. Do it fast
though — the deadline for Paris is February 24th and for New York is
March 16th.
Sign up to sponsor
If you can, consider sponsoring the events [4]. If you feel your
organization has benefitted from Jenkins, now’s your chance to give back
to the community… and at the same time get some great visibility for
your company.
If you still need more convincing about JUC, watch the highlights video
[2] from last year’s conference. Looking forward to seeing you!
Kohsuke Kawaguchi