I think we are having a communication breakdown. Maybe you could read 

It has a good explanation under the title "Desktop access"

-- Sami

Vladimir Zak <zakvladi...@gmail.com> kirjoitti 27.2.2012 kello 10.25:

> @ Sami
> it was on windows and I know it is possible to run it this way but I
> need to start jenkins without log in so I need to use the service.
> @ Slide
> Is it possible to switch it on for log as a user too? I did not find
> the checkbox there and the GUI is not available as I can see.
> Thanks
> Vladimir
> 2012/2/26 Slide <slide.o....@gmail.com>:
>> There is an option for services to allow interacting with the desktop, I
>> recommend turning that on and retrying.
>> On Feb 26, 2012 5:02 AM, "Vladimir Zak" <zakvladi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Sami,
>>> It is running as a service with special login and my install kit
>>> support silent mode.
>>> I have tried to run it with gui but it did not work.
>>> Vladimir
>>> 2012/2/26 Sami Tikka <sjti...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Are you running Jenkins as a service? By default, services are not
>>>> allowed to access the GUI session. Try to check the box "allow service to
>>>> interact with the desktop" in the Jenkins service settings.
>>>> -- Sami
>>>> zakyn <zakvladi...@gmail.com> kirjoitti 25.2.2012 kello 22.04:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I would like to run installation kit exe file from the batch command
>>>>> directly defined in Jenkins job.
>>>>> Something like
>>>>> .\AmbergTSPProfessional.exe /SILENT
>>>>> It seems to be started but nothing is done and the job is just only
>>>>> running without the installation.
>>>>> The command from cmd is working. Jenkins service and cmd both are run
>>>>> with the same credential.
>>>>> Do you have any hint for me please?
>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> Vladimir

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